Monthly Premium Rates and Payment Instructions for COBRA Benefits Continuation

If your PCC benefits end due to loss of employment or benefits eligibility, your information will be automatically sent to PCC’s COBRA administrator, BenefitHelp Solutions (BHS). BHS will send you a packet of information on continuing your benefits and will coordinate all COBRA notifications, enrollments, and payments.

If you have any questions about COBRA or your rights to elect COBRA, you should contact:

BenefitHelp Solutions, Inc.
Phone: 800-556-3137 or 503-765-3581

To elect COBRA coverage, complete the election form mailed to you by BHS and return it to BHS. Under federal law, you have 60 days after the date of COBRA notice or 60 days after the date that Plan coverage is lost, whichever is later, to decide whether you want to elect COBRA coverage under the Plan.


Please visit the following OEBB page for the most recent rate information: COBRA Rates [pdf]