EPAF (Electronic Personnel Action Form)
The EPAF form, available online through MyPCC, is used to authorize/set up jobs for certain types of PCC employees. In addition, the EPAF can be used to authorize the activation of an employee record.
When To Use the EPAF Form
- For authorizing a new Casual Job
- For authorizing a new Student Job (Non Work Study)
- For authorizing Special Projects pay
- For authorizing Substitution pay for Faculty, on sick leave or NOT on sick leave
- For authorizing a PT Faculty Tutoring, Librarian or Counseling job
- For authorizing the activation of a new or returning employee
- For authorizing a new Work Study Job
Once an EPAF is originated (created) online, it goes through an online approval process. The EPAF is then finalized (“applied”) by the Manager of HR Information Services.
For all of the above job types except substitution pay, a timesheet will need to be completed in addition to the EPAF. Other paperwork, such as the I-9 and W-4 forms, still needs to be submitted to HR for all employee types.
When NOT to use the EPAF: Don’t use the EPAF process for employees with special pay rate issues.
EPAF for New or Returning Employees
If you have an employee who is new to PCC, returning after a significant absence, or if you are unsure whether the employee is in the PCC system as an active employee, follow these steps to see if you need to Create a “New Employee” EPAF.
Who do I Call for Help?
For assistance in using the EPAF form, contact the HRIS Specialist who will be receiving your EPAF, based on the ORGN (budget code) associated with the position you are creating:
- ORGS A,S — Melissa Morton
- ORGS B,C,E,R,T,V — Michelle Lee
- How to Create an EPAF (complete directions for Casual and Student Jobs)
- How to Approve an EPAF
- Quicksheets and Training Handouts:
- Creating a Casual EPAF [pdf]
- Creating a Student EPAF [pdf] (non Work Study)
- Substitute Pay EPAF
- Special Projects EPAF
- PT Faculty Tutors, Counselors, Librarians
- Prepare to Create an EPAF for a New Employee (or an employee returning after a long absence)
What Do I Need Before I Get Started?
If this is your first time filling out an EPAF, we recommend that you set up your default approval queue first. The approval queue specifies the manager(s) who will be approving your EPAFs and which HR representatives will grant approval after that. Setting up a default approval queue beforehand makes it so you won’t have to enter this information every time you create an EPAF.
Before you start creating a casual or student EPAF, have the following pieces of information ready:
- The G Number for the person you are going to hire.
- The Position Number for the job.
- The Employee Class and Grade for the job.
EPAF Training
Training for EPAF is required. Online and in-person versions of the training are available. Details about training