Create an EPAF for Substitute Pay

Handout for Sub Pay EPAF [pdf]

EPAFs are also created to pay faculty for Substitute Pay. Two kinds of Substitute Pay EPAFS exist:

  • SUB – Sub Pay, Replacing Faculty NOT on Paid Sick Leave
  • SUBSL – Sub Pay, Replacing Faculty on Sick Leave

Once a Substitute Pay EPAF is created and approved, the substitute instructor does not need to submit a biweekly timesheet in addition to the EPAF — it’s all covered in the EPAF process.

You may need help creating a Substitute Pay EPAF the first time or two. Feel free to contact your HRIS Specialist or the TSS Training Team for help.

Important Items of Note

When To Create the EPAF

The Substitute Pay EPAF must be created during the same bi-weekly payroll period [intranet] that the substitution took place. This is because the start and end dates of the current payroll period are built into the Substitute Pay EPAF system. For this reason, you cannot “backdate” substitute pay to pay someone for work performed during an earlier payroll period, and you cannot set up Substitute EPAFs in advance of the payroll period.

If the substitute work is performed through two (or more) biweekly pay periods, a second EPAF will need to be created to cover the second period.

EPAF Query Date

The Query Date for your EPAF must equal the “Begin Date” of the current bi-weekly payroll period [intranet]. For example, if the substitution took place on January 12, 2016 and the current biweekly payroll period began on January 3, then type 01/03/2016 for the Query Date. (If you do not indicate this date correctly, the EPAF will be sent back to you for correction.)

Single Pay

Substitute Pay is paid on a single pay day; it is not divided over multiple pay periods.

Job Title

When typing in the Title for the job, please use this format: SUB/[Subject and Course Number]/[Org Code]/[CRN]

For Example: “SUB/WR121/B40401/41221”

For a substitution that involves only part of a class (like LAB-A or LAB-B), please note it next to the subject in the Job Title; for example: “SUB/BI101(Lab-B)/B40401/41221.”

Brand-New Employees, or Returning After a Long Absence

If you have an employee who is new to PCC, returning after a significant absence, or if you are unsure whether the employee is in the PCC system as an active employee, follow these steps to Prepare to Create an EPAF for a New Employee [pdf] before continuing.