Salary Grade ‘CALC’
You can use the PT Faculty Instructional Salary Table to determine what to type into the “Salary Grade” field. Which Salary Grade code you put depends on how the class in question is taught — Lecture? Lab? A combination of the two?
If you choose to use CALC for the Salary Grade (a combination of lecture and lab that is other than 25% / 75%), you will also need to determine what to type for the “Regular Rate.” Below are instructions on how to determine the rate of pay (Regular Rate) for a substitute instructor with CALC as the Salary Grade.
- Go into the Banner form SWACRSE.
- Enter the Subject, Course, and Term for the class associated with your Substitute EPAF.
- Press
Next Block FOUR TIMES to get to the “Schedule Type” section.
- Look at the Lecture and Lab hours and calculate the % of Lecture and % of Lab (or Lecture/Lab, also called “Range”) for the class.
- Add the “Pay Hours” together to use as the denominator.
- Calculate the % of Lecture and % of Lab. For example:
Calculate the Regular Rate for “CALC” Salary Grade
Now that you’ve determined the percentages of each type (see above), here’s how to determine how much to pay your “CALC” Salary Grade Substitute Instructor. Once you’ve figured it out, type the amount into the “Regular Rate” field of the Substitution EPAF.
- Determine what Step the instructor has attained. If you don’t know, refer to the Banner form PWAPLVL.
- Use the PT Faculty Instructional Salary Table to determine the Hourly Rates for Lecture and Lecture/Lab (Range) for that Step. For example:
Step 1 Instructor = $52.47 for Lecture (as of this writing)
Step 1 Instructor = $42.24 for Range
- Determine the amount to be paid to this instructor for Lecture and Range based on their Step. In the screen shot example above, the instructor is being paid 60% for Lecture and 40% for Range; therefore:
60% of $52.47 = $31.48 Lecture
40% of $42.24 = $16.90 Range Now you can total these two and determine that $48.38 is the CALC rate per hour (Regular Rate) for this instructor for substituting this class.