Procedures for Requesting Accommodation under the ADA at PCC
Reasonable accommodation procedures in employment
Contact [opens in new window] or visit Requesting Employment Accommodation to learn about the procedure and/or if you have questions and comments.
Reasonable accommodation procedures for students
Contact Disability Services to learn about the procedure and/or if you have questions and comments.
Reasonable accommodation procedures for visitors and guests
Individuals planning to attend a College sponsored event or activity and needing accommodation, should contact the office scheduling the event/activity to request the necessary accommodation. A request for accommodation should be made as far in advance as possible to ensure arrangements can be made to meet the request. If questions or concerns arise regarding an ADA accommodation issue, contact the ADA Coordinator, Karol Ford, 971-722-5869 or [opens in new window].
External groups using college facilities
External groups holding events on College facilities are responsible for ensuring events are accessible and for providing accommodation upon request. Campus facilities managers or their designees will make available a copy of the ADA accommodation procedures and responsibilities to external groups scheduling use of College facilities. If questions or concerns arise regarding an ADA accommodation issue, contact the ADA Coordinator, Karol Ford, 971-722-5869 or [opens in new window].
Resolving other concerns regarding accessibility, accommodations, discrimination or harassment
For concerns related to potential discrimination or harassment, please follow the process outlined in the Nondiscrimination and Non-harassment Policy. Concerns that a program, service or activity is not accessible to persons with disabilities should be directed to the designated contact listed below:
- ADA Coordinator manages employee accommodations and coordinates access and compliance efforts throughout the Collage in collaboration with other designated staff. Karol Ford, 971-722-5869 or [opens in new window].
- Disability Services faculty and staff work with students to determine reasonable accommodation and coordinate provision of services. Contact them at [opens in new window] or 971-722-4341.
- Office of Equity and Inclusion provides leadership to facilitate, manage and coordinate College policies and procedures; oversees and ensures College is in compliance with applicable laws and regulations; and addresses concerns about potential discrimination or harassment. Contact them at 971-722-5840, 971-722-5841, or [opens in new window].
Resolving discrimination concerns outside of the college
Individuals are encouraged to utilize an internal complaint process, but do have a right to file an external complaint of disability discrimination with:
- U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, 915 Second Avenue, Room 3310, Seattle, WA 98174-1099, (206)220-7900 (v), (206)222-7887 (fax), Office for Civil Rights complaint process.
- Equal Employment Opportunity, Seattle Field Office, 909 First Avenue, Suite 400, Seattle, WA 98104-1061, 1-800-669-4000 (v), 1-800-669-6820 (TTY), 206-220-6911 (fax)
- Bureau of Labor and Industries, 3865 Wolverine Ave NE, Building E, Suite 1. Salem, OR 97305-1268, Phone: 503-378-3292, Ore. Relay TTY: 711