Union Dues

Union LogoYou have been hired into a position which is included in a “bargaining unit” represented by the (Federation of Faculty and Academic Professionals or the Federation of Classified Employees) union.

Joining the Union

You may elect to join the union by contacting the federation office at 971-722-4180. If you do so, the College will deduct the dues in accordance with the amounts designated by the union (listed on the union application) and will remit those monthly to the union treasurer. If at any time you want to discontinue your dues deduction, notify the union.

If you have questions about union membership or dues amounts, contact the Union office: 971-722-4180.

Classified bargaining unit employees

Article 6.2  Bargaining unit employees may sign up for payroll deduction of Federation membership dues at any time. Federation members may stop payroll deduction of membership dues by submitting a written request to the Federation between April 21 and May 20 to stop such deductions. Such requests will be effective June 1.