Performance Assessment: Classified Staff


Assessment is a formal process by which a supervisor reviews an employee’s past performance and plans with them for future performance. Per Article 13.32 of the Classified Agreement, “The purpose of assessment is to provide employee feedback concerning job performance and to assure the College community excellence in the delivery of service by Classified employees.” A good assessment contains no surprises and is done with mutual respect and understanding. Assessments are fair, objective, job-based and focused on improving performance.

Please review Article 13 of the Classified Agreement in its entirety for more detailed assessment information. If you have any questions about the assessment process, reach out to us at [opens in new window].

All performance assessment forms are submitted to the Human Resources Department using MyCareer@PCC or the PASS system. Managers will receive email notifications from MyCareer@PCC when the assessment is due.

Types of Assessment
Types of Assessment Required Forms Due Dates Submission Method
Initial Three-Month Performance Review Initial Three-Month Performance Review Form [doc] Three (3) months after hire date MyCareer@PCC
End of 12-Month Probation Assessment Classified Assessment Form [doc] To be used for both the supervisor and self assessment.
Employee Responsibilities and Goals Form [doc] (including Intercultural Self-Assessment [pdf] goal)
Prior to the end of the 12th month after hire date MyCareer@PCC
End of Six-Month Transfer Probation Assessment Classified Assessment Form [doc] To be used for both the supervisor and self assessment.
Employee Responsibilities and Goals Form [doc] (including Intercultural Self-Assessment [pdf] goal)
Prior to the end of the sixth (6th) month after transfer/promotion to new position MyCareer@PCC
Annual and Continuous Assessment Classified Assessment Form [doc] To be used for both the supervisor and self assessment.
Employee Responsibilities and Goals Form [doc] (including Intercultural Self-Assessment [pdf] goal)
Annually at the end of the second (2nd) and third (3rd) years of employment and then every three (3) years from the last assessment done MyCareer@PCC
End of Six-Month Special Assessment Classified Assessment Form [doc]To be used for both the supervisor and self assessment.
Employee Responsibilities and Goals Form [doc] (including Intercultural Self-Assessment [pdf] goal)
Prior to the end of the sixth (6th) month after return from layoff, recall or relocation MyCareer@PCC
Temporary Assignment Assessment Initial Three-Month Assessment Form [doc]
Classified Assessment Form [doc] To be used for both the supervisor and self assessment.
A performance assessment shall be completed annually for a temporary job assignment which exceeds one year. An assessment will be completed for a shorter temporary job at the employee’s written request. PASS
Naming Convention

When saving your assessment documents please use the following naming convention:

  • For the Supervisor Assessment Form: Employee last name_Employee first name_”SupvAssessment”_assessment due date (e.g. “Smith_Jane_SupvAssessment_04012021.pdf“)
  • For the Self Assessment Form: Employee last name, Employee first name_”SelfAssessment”_assessment due date (e.g. “Smith_Jane_SelfAssessment_04012021.pdf“)
  • For the Employee Responsibilities and Goals Form: Employee last name_Employee first name_”Goals”_assessment due date (e.g. “Smith_Jane_Goals_04012021.pdf“)
  • For the Initial Three-Month Assessment Form: Employee last name_Employee first name_”InitialAssessment”_assessment due date (e.g. “Smith_John_InitialAssessment_07012021.pdf“)