Performance Assessment: Management and Confidential Staff
Assessment serves not only to provide a means to respond to external demands for accountability, it also helps define performance goals and expectations, improves individual and team performance, develops organizational leaders, and identifies areas for professional and personal growth. Assessment of management and confidential employees shall be conducted in accordance with the guidelines in Section 9 of the Management and Confidential Handbook.
The designated Management and Confidential Assessment forms should be used for the supervisor’s assessment of the employee. The 360 form is required for Managers and optional for Confidential employees. A self-assessment is encouraged for both employee classes, but not required.
In order to assist with the continuous development of culturally aware and responsive leaders, the District Leaders for Diversity Council (DLDC) created an Intercultural Competence Assessment tool for managers, first available in March of 2017. This tool also moves PCC toward compliance with HB 2864 (Chapter 397; 2017 Laws; Effective date January 1, 2018), which states, “Each public institution of higher education shall establish a process for recommending, and providing oversight for the implementation of, cultural competency standards for the public institution of higher education and the institution’s employees.” Instructions for using the Intercultural Competence Assessment tool are on the first page of the linked document.
Managers will receive email notifications from MyCareer@PCC when the assessment is due. If you have any questions about the assessment process, reach out to us at [opens in new window].
Assessment Forms
All performance assessment forms are submitted to the Human Resources Department using MyCareer@PCC or the PASS system.
Employee Classification | Type of Assessment | Due Dates | Required Forms | Submission Method |
Management | Temporary Appointment Assessment | Last day of the temporary assignment | Management Assessment Form [doc] (To be used for both the supervisor and self assessment) Employee Responsibilities and Goals Form [doc] (including Intercultural Competence Self-Assessment [pdf] Goal) (Required) |
Probationary Appointment Assessment – Year 1 | March 31st is the due date for the Executive Sign-Off. Please plan accordingly to ensure your executive has time to review and sign the assessment. | Management Assessment – Supervisor Assessment: Probationary Appointment Assessment (Year 1) Form [doc] (Required) Management Assessment – Self Assessment Form [doc] (Required) Employee Responsibilities and Goals Form [doc] (including Intercultural Competence Self-Assessment [pdf] Goal) (Required) |
MyCareer@PCC | |
Probationary Appointment Assessment – Year 2 | March 31st is the due date for the Executive Sign-Off. Please plan accordingly to ensure your executive has time to review and sign the assessment. | Management Assessment – Supervisor Assessment: Probationary Appointment Assessment (Year 2) Form [doc] (Required) Management Assessment – Self Assessment Form [doc] (Required) Employee Responsibilities and Goals Form [doc] (including Intercultural Competence Self-Assessment [pdf] Goal) (Required) |
MyCareer@PCC | |
Probationary Appointment Assessment – Year 3 (For extending an employee’s probationary period to a 4th or 5th year or if the employee will not be renewed, consult an HR representative) | March 31st is the due date for the Executive Sign-Off. Please plan accordingly to ensure your executive has time to review and sign the assessment. | Management Assessment – Supervisor Assessment: Probationary Appointment Assessment (Year 3) Form [doc] (Required) Management Assessment – Self Assessment Form [doc] (Required) Employee Responsibilities and Goals Form [doc] (including Intercultural Competence Self-Assessment [pdf] Goal) (Required) |
MyCareer@PCC | |
Continuous Appointment Assessment | September 15th every third year | Management Assessment Form [doc] (To be used for both the supervisor and self assessment) Employee Responsibilities and Goals Form [doc] (including Intercultural Competence Self-Assessment [pdf] Goal) (Required) |
MyCareer@PCC | |
Exempt Confidential | Temporary Appointment Assessment | Last day of the temporary assignment | Confidential Assessment Form [doc] (To be used for both the supervisor and self assessment) Employee Responsibilities and Goals Form [doc] (including Intercultural Competence Self-Assessment [pdf] Goal) (Required) |
Probationary Appointment Assessment – Year 1 | March 31st is the due date for the Executive Sign-Off. Please plan accordingly to ensure your executive has time to review and sign the assessment. | Exempt Confidential Assessment – Supervisor Assessment: Probationary Appointment Assessment (Year 1) Form [doc] (Required) Exempt Confidential Assessment – Self Assessment Form [doc] (Required) Employee Responsibilities and Goals Form [doc] (including Intercultural Competence Self-Assessment [pdf] Goal) (Required) |
MyCareer@PCC | |
Probationary Appointment Assessment – Year 2 | March 31st is the due date for the Executive Sign-Off. Please plan accordingly to ensure your executive has time to review and sign the assessment. | Exempt Confidential Assessment – Supervisor Assessment: Probationary Appointment Assessment (Year 2) Form [doc] (Required) Exempt Confidential Assessment – Self Assessment Form [doc] (Required) Employee Responsibilities and Goals Form [doc] (including Intercultural Competence Self-Assessment [pdf] Goal) (Required) |
MyCareer@PCC | |
Probationary Appointment Assessment – Year 3 (For extending an employee’s probationary period to a 4th or 5th year or if the employee will not be renewed, consult an HR representative) | March 31st is the due date for the Executive Sign-Off. Please plan accordingly to ensure your executive has time to review and sign the assessment. | Exempt Confidential Assessment – Supervisor Assessment: Probationary Appointment Assessment (Year 3) Form [doc] (Required) Exempt Confidential Assessment – Self Assessment Form [doc] (Required) Employee Responsibilities and Goals Form [doc] (including Intercultural Competence Self-Assessment [pdf] Goal) (Required) |
MyCareer@PCC | |
Continuous Appointment Assessment | September 15th every third year | Confidential Assessment Form [doc] (To be used for both the supervisor and self assessment) Employee Responsibilities and Goals Form [doc] (including Intercultural Competence Self-Assessment [pdf] Goal) (Required) |
MyCareer@PCC | |
Non-exempt Confidential | Probationary Appointment Assessment | 9 months after hire date or 3 months after hire date for employees moving from one employee group into the confidential group | Confidential Assessment Form [doc] (To be used for both the supervisor and self assessment) Employee Responsibilities and Goals Form [doc] (including Intercultural Competence Self-Assessment [pdf] Goal) (Required) |
MyCareer@PCC |
Continuous Appointment Assessment | September 15th every third year |
Naming Convention
When saving your assessment documents please use the following naming convention:
- For the Supervisor Assessment Form: Employee last name_Employee first name_”SupvAssessment”_assessment due date (e.g. “Smith_Jane_SupvAssessment_03312021.pdf“)
- For the Self Assessment Form: Employee last name_Employee first name_”SelfAssessment”_assessment due date (e.g. “Smith_Jane_SelfAssessment_03312021.pdf“)
- For the Employee Responsibilities and Goals Form: Employee last name_Employee first name_”Goals”_assessment due date (e.g. “Smith_Jane_Goals_03312021.pdf“)
Assessment Tools
- Management 360° Input Form [doc] (Required to complete supervisor assessment)
- Confidential 360° Input Form [doc] (Optional)
- Establishing Goals
- Performance Logs
- Manager’s Role
- Employee’s Role
- AACC Statement on Competencies for Community College Leaders [doc]