Performance Assessment: AP
The purposes of assessment are to provide the employee with feedback concerning job performance; to provide the College administration with guidance in staffing, planning and budgeting; and to assure excellence in the delivery of service (Article 7.1). Assessments are also part of the accreditation process, adding additional importance to their timely completion.
Please review Article 7 of the Faculty and AP Agreement in its entirety for more detailed assessment information. Consult your Human Resources (HR) Representative if you have any questions.
Assessment Forms
All performance assessment forms are submitted to the Human Resources Department using MyCareer@PCC or the PASS system.
Naming Convention
When saving your assessment documents please use the following naming convention:
- For the Supervisor Assessment Form: Employee last name_Employee first name_”SupvAssessment”_assessment due date (e.g. “Smith_Jane_SupvAssessment_03312021.pdf“)
- For the Self Assessment Form: Employee last name_Employee first name_”SelfAssessment”_assessment due date (e.g. “Smith_Jane_SelfAssessment_03312021.pdf“)
- For the Employee Responsibilities and Goals Form: Employee last name_Employee first name_”Goals”_assessment due date (e.g. “Smith_Jane_Goals_03312021.pdf“)