Perkins Conference/Workshop Grant Funding
Conference funds and other types of professional development opportunities for CTE programs are available through the Carl D. Perkins Fund for Career and Technical Education. Faculty and staff working in Perkins-eligible CTE programs may apply for funding up to two times per academic year (maximum of one conference requiring overnight travel, plus one local/virtual conference not requiring overnight travel). There is no application deadline, and Perkins conference requests are not limited to a dollar amount.
The following PCC employees may apply for Perkins professional development funds:
Employees from Perkins-eligible CTE programs (see list of programs below):
- Full-time Faculty and Academic Professionals
- Part-time Faculty
- Full-time Classified employees
- Full-time Managers/administrators
- Full-time Confidential employees
- Other classifications not listed here might be eligible (please reach out to us for consideration)
Priority is given to the applications for conferences/workshops that will:
- (For faculty and APs) connect back to classroom/course learning outcomes and/or student success and align with strengthening the Program of Study with one or more regional high school programs
- Benefit professional renewal and development
- Align Perkins with other initiatives going on at the College
- Allow the attendee to bring back and share crucial information with other employees
- Involve a presentation at the conference or workshop
Perkins-eligible Career Technical (CTE) Programs for 2024-25:
- AB: Auto Collision Repair Technology
- AD: Addiction Counseling
- AM: Automotive Service Technology
- AMT: Aviation Maintenance Technology
- ARCH: Architectural Design and Drafting
- AVS: Aviation Science
- BA: Business Administration
- BCT: Building Construction Technology
- BIT: Bioscience Technology
- CADD: Computer Aided Design and Drafting
- CCET: Civil and Construction Engineering Technology
- CIS: Computer Information Systems
- DA: Dental Assisting
- DH: Dental Hygiene
- DS: Diesel Service Technology
- DST: Dealer Service Technology
- ECE: Early Childhood Education
- ED: Education
- EET: Electronic Engineering Technology
- EMS: Emergency Medical Services
- EXS: Exercise Science
- FP: Fire Protection Technology
- GD: Graphic Design
- GEO: Geospatial (Drone Technology)
- GRN: Gerontology
- HUS: Family and Human Services
- ID: Interior Design
- LAT: Landscape Technology
- MA: Medical Assisting
- MCH: Machine Manufacturing Technology
- MI: Medical Imaging
- MLT: Medical Laboratory Technology
- MM: Multimedia
- MP: Medical Professions
- MT: Microelectronic Technology
- MUC: Music & Sonic Arts
- NRS: Nursing
- OMT: Ophthalmic Medical Technology (Eye Technician)
- VT: Veterinary Technology
- WLD: Welding Technology
*Please note that this list changes yearly because eligible programs can become ineligible or vice versa. In order to be Perkins-eligible, there must be an approved Program of Study in place with ODE between the CTE program at PCC and one or more regional high schools. Please email [opens in new window] with any questions.
How to apply for Perkins professional development funds:
Obtain your supervisor’s approval to attend the conference/workshop before applying for Perkins funds. Please read the following guidelines carefully, then fill out the application (linked below).
Please submit your application within a reasonable time frame so you can obtain the early bird rate for conference registration fees. The college expects all employees to do their best to obtain competitive, reasonable rates for lodging and airfare. If conference travel is at a distance, travelers may travel the day before and stay the night of the last day of the conference to avoid traveling outside of usual work hours. Any costs associated with a time period outside of the details above are considered personal expenses and are not covered by Perkins funds.
Perkins only accepts individual requests for conference funding. Group applications are not accepted. Perkins will not fund any requests that are for continuing education courses only. Some certification trainings are also not permitted, but these are considered on a case-by-case basis. Perkins is unable to fund travel to international locations, Alaska, or Hawaii. All required signatures are due at the time of the application (your supervisor will receive an email with a link to provide their signature when your application is submitted) and your application must contain a clear and detailed explanation of how attendance at the particular conference or workshop is related to your position and will positively impact your job performance.
Applications are reviewed and approved on a rolling basis by Jan Wetzel Volinksi, Perkins Coordinator. Decisions will be sent to applicants within a timely manner so that plans can be secured. Once your application is approved, you will receive an Approval Notice email. Please read this Approval email carefully and follow the step-by-step instructions in order to use your Perkins award. Email [opens in new window] with any questions.
Apply here: Application for Perkins Professional Development Funds