EPAF – Training

I’m an employee and I need to be able to create EPAFs. How do I get this permission?

The IT Training Team offers both in-person and online EPAF training. Once you have completed this required training, HR will set you up with the permissions needed to create EPAFs. An online version of the training is available for employees who only need to learn how to create casual and/or student EPAFs. We offer in-person EPAF Originator Training [intranet] once per month; it is approximately 45 minutes long. Contact servicedesk@pcc.edu [opens in new window] if you have questions about EPAF Training.

I’m a manager and I need to be able to approve EPAFs. How do I get this permission?

Managers who take Banner Manager Track Training [intranet] will already have the training required to approve EPAFs. We also offer EPAF Approval Training separately both online and in person.

The online version of EPAF Approval Training (for Managers) involves reviewing our online material about approving EPAFs and then answering a few questions in the form of a short quiz. If you are interested in EPAF Approval Training (for Managers), click on the “Approve an EPAF” link at right, review the material, and then email servicedesk@pcc.edu [opens in new window]. Indicate that you have reviewed the material and are ready to take the quiz.