New Faculty Resources

Picture of teacher with students

Welcome to Portland Community College!

We know there’s a lot of information to absorb in your first few weeks as a new faculty member. This website should help you find the information you need when you need it. If you have any questions about the content on this page or cannot find what you are looking for, we encourage you to reach out to your Faculty Department Chair, Dean, or the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (CTLE).

Important Resources

Campus and Department Specific Information

Many essential processes differ from department to department or campus to campus and thus are not covered in detail here. A representative from your department should schedule time with you to discuss department and campus/center-specific information. You should know your departmental/campus process for:

  • Requesting time off
  • Scheduling a substitute (planned and unplanned absences)
  • Scheduling and posting office hours
  • Obtaining classroom keys (if necessary)
  • Any other departmental processes or guidelines such as:
    • Department-specific code for making copies
    • Using classroom technology and equipment
  • Campus/Center specific resources such as:
    • Campus Scheduling (booking rooms, reserving computer labs)
    • Scheduling a library session for your class
    • Evacuation Procedures and Exit Routes

Ask your department to complete the New Faculty Information Form [pdf] which lists important contacts specific to your department and campus/center.