Course Progression

The Course Progression report shows overall success rates of students that progress between two groups of courses. It is intended to answer questions such as “How many students who took Writing 121 in Fall went on to take Writing 122 in Winter? Out of those students, how many passed both classes?” Each group can include multiple courses (ex: all 100-level Math classes) or entire subjects (ex: all Math classes) across one or more terms.

As demonstrated below, student success rates for the first group will be shown on the first row of the table.  For those students that went on to take classes in the second group, their success rates in the second group will be shown on the second row. Rows 2a-2c provide additional detail about row two.

narrative of table

See the report’s help tab for more information. PCC Argos users can access the internal version [intranet] of the Course Progression report, which allows for disaggregation on additional metrics such as gender and race/ethnicity. Log in and navigate to Institutional Effectiveness -> College-Wide. Please contact Ryan Bohac by email at [opens in new window] to request assistance.