Degrees and certificates

Awards by major and catalog year (live data)

Note: Banner live data is constantly changing and may not reflect the award counts reported to the state displayed in the disaggregated table below.

The displayed data from the “Awards by major and calendar year” program can be exported in .csv file format by clicking on the gear icon (argos gear icon) located in the lower right corner of each info box.

Refer to the “Info” tab in the program for additional information. Please note that the catalog year covers fall through summer, while the academic year spans summer through spring.

Contact Djambel Unkov: [opens in new window] if needing assistance.

Award trends by academic year (state reporting extract)

Category 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Career Pathways (ACERTP) 802 453 592 670 710
Less Than One Year (ACERT) 306 214 332 292 341
One Year (ACERT1) *** 264 323 308 282 337
Two Year (ACERT2) 52 28 41 23 42
Non-credit Certificate 17 21 10 21 26
Total Certificates 1,441 1,039 1,283 1,288 1,456
Associate of Arts, Oregon Transfer (AAORT) 540 601 582 492 412
Associate of Science, Oregon Transfer (ASORT) 63 64 29 32 49
Associate of Science (AS) 933 973 765 685 582
Associate of General Studies (AGEN) 972 993 877 876 905
Associate of Applied Science (AAS) *** 954 932 937 791 771
Total Degrees 3,462 3,563 3,190 2,876 2,719
Total Awards 4,903 4,602 4,473 4,164 4,175
Oregon Transfer Module (OTM) Completers 577 557 476 95 28

Most credentials are auto-awarded and the award year corresponds to when coursework was completed.

** Includes Occupational Skills Training (OST) Certificates

*** Includes Apprentice Degrees

Official data, as sent to the state (sxrocco), July, 2024 (Summer through Spring reporting.)