Enrollment Reporting
Argos Reports
The three Argos reports below show student FTE (full-time equivalent) data, and reflect updates to PCC organization codes and modality data beginning in the 2023-24 academic year. To view legacy versions of these reports and historical data, use the ‘Fall 2023 and Prior Year Term Reports’ and ‘Completed Academic Year Reports’ options at the bottom of the page.
PCC employees can access training about enrollment reporting here.
FTE by Reimbursement Code
This report presents a “same time prior year” comparison of FTE, detailed by campus and the reimbursement code categories used in state reporting.
FTE by Subject and Modality
This report presents a “same time prior year” comparison of FTE, detailed by course subject and modality (ex: in person, online). PCC added new modality codes beginning in the 2023-24 academic year, so not all modality data can be directly compared between the 2022-23 and 2023-24 academic years.
FTE by Organization Code
Organization codes represent which PCC budget is responsible for the instructional cost of a course. This report shows a “same time prior year” comparison of FTE, detailed by PCC’s pathway rollup of organization codes. PCC started using new organization codes as of the 2023-24 academic year, so data prior to 2023-24 (campus rollup) is structured differently than data starting in 2023-24 (pathway rollup). (Note: This report is not yet updated to reflect PCC’s recently announced new Pathway structure.)