Highest Enrolling Spring Courses – Success Rates

Spring Term

Because most students enroll in more than one “high enrolling course” during their time at PCC, improvements in these course success rates have the potential to impact a large number of students. The ten highest enrolling courses are summarized in this report.

Course success rate is calculated as the total number of grades including withdraws divided by the number of A, B, C, and P grades in that course.

Graphical display of data listed in table

  • Spring 2024 highest enrolling course success rates range from 56.6% to 84.1%.
  • Compared to the previous two spring terms, the success rates of five Spring 2024 courses are within the range of those prior terms. Four courses have higher success rates, while only one course has a lower success rate.
Course Spr 2022 Spr 2023 Spr 2024 Spring 2024 relative to prior two Spring terms
WR 121 63.3% 61.6% 62.4% Within range
WR 122 72.4% 74.2% 76.5% Higher
COMM 111 80.6% 80.0% 84.1% Higher
MTH 95 64.8% 56.4% 56.6% Within range
STAT 243 75.8% 79.8% 76.6% Within range
PSY 201A 72.6% 75.4% 75.6% Higher
MTH 111 68.1% 61.1% 62.3% Within range
WR 227 79.1% 83.2% 79.0% Lower
BA 101 76.2% 72.4% 78.6% Higher
SOC 204 76.3% 69.4% 73.1% Within range

Success rates for all other spring term credit courses are available in the Argos YESS Success Rates of Highest Enrolling Courses Course – OLAP.   Success rates with equity gap data for previously completed academic years are available for all courses in the program/discipline review profiles.

Data Source:  Argos, YESS Success Rates of Highest Enrolling Courses, June 2024