Adding video or other media to your course

You can add links to video or media directly in the Content area, and it will be organized inside a weekly module, or you can embed video inside the Content page. If you need help with converting a video or deciding where to host your files, fill out the Media Project Intake Request form. Someone with expertise in your project will contact you and lead you through the process.

  • What is required: A D2L Brightspace course and video or audio resource link or embed code ready to be added

Add a video or an audio (media) to your course

There are two ways to add a video or audio:

  • Using the embed code on a page, students can access the media directly on the page.
    You can easily use the media embed code anywhere in your course that has an HTML editor, such as Announcements, Content, Discussions, Assignments, Quizzes, etc. This guide only covers how to do it inside the Content area, but you can apply the same steps to other areas whenever you’re inside an HTML editor using the Insert Stuff icon.
  • Using the URL link, students will have to click on the link to access the media

Important Notes:

  • If you run into any issues following these steps, please contact the Learning Technology Help Desk (971-722-8227, Email:
  • You can only see a list of videos that you’ve already uploaded to My Media or have access to in My Media. If you have not uploaded the video, follow the guide to upload the video to My Media
  • If you are using Camtasia to record video and have captions, you will have to export the video as mp4 without the caption, and extract the caption file separately as a .srt file. Upload the video to My Media and email the caption file to with information about your video so that we can find your video and attach the caption.
Option 1: Embedding video to a new html page

These guides will show you steps to embed a video using the Insert Stuff icon and choose the video from My Media, Video Note, Films on Demand, YouTube, or by entering the embed code.

  1. Click on the Content link from the course navbar
  2. Select the module on the left side where you would like to add the media file
  3. Click on the Upload/Create button from within the module and select Create a File from the list
    Content-upload create button-create a File
  4. Enter the title in the Enter a Title field, such as “Week 1 Reading”
  5. Inside the html editor area, click the place on the page where you would like the video to appear and click the Insert Stuff icon from the toolbar

    Content-create a File-insert stuff icon

    Content-create a File-insert stuff icon

  6. The Insert Stuff window will open and choose between the following options:
  1. Add additional text as needed on the page. When you are ready,  click on the Save and Close button
    Content-Create File-Save and close
  2. Click on the Content link from the course navbar. The new video page should be the last one from the list of the module and you can re-arrange it accordingly. Follow the steps in this guide on Option 2 to learn how to reorder the page
Option 2: Embedding video into an existing html page

These guides will show you steps to embed a video using the Insert Stuff icon and choose the video from My Media, Video Note, Films on Demand, YouTube, or by entering the embed code.

  1. Click on the Content link from the course navbar
  2. Select the module on the left side where you would like to add the media file.
  3. Click on the HTML file where you would like to embed the video. Click the topic’s name action menu and select Edit HTML
    Content-Edit HTML page
  4. Click the place on the page where you would like the video to appear and click the Insert Stuff icon from the toolbar

    Content-edit html-insert stuff icon

    Content-edit html-insert stuff icon

  5. The Insert Stuff window will open and choose between the following options:
  1. Add additional text or make your changes as needed on the page. When you are ready,  click on the Save and Close button
    Content-Edit HTML-Save and close
Option 4: Linking to a PCC library video resources as a Content topic

The best method is to use a link rather than embedding the video if you want a library video to be accessible both on-campus and off-campus. You will need to convert the link to the library video resource first before you can add it to your course.

Films on Demand is one of our video library resources that you can easily add to the course without having to convert the link first. If you want to add a video from Films on Demand, follow the steps from either Option 1c  or 2c above.

  1. To begin, first, convert the original URL of the PCC library video resource that you found using the Link Converter and follow the directions on the page to convert the link
  2. Once you get the converted link, go to your Brightspace class and click on the Content link from the course navbar
  3. Select the module on the left side where you would like to add the link.
  4. Click the Upload/Create action menu and select Create a Link
  5. The New Link window will open
    1. In the Title field, enter a link name. For example: “Sport video” (no quotes)
    2. In the URL field, paste the converted URL of the video from Step 1. For example: “” (no quotes)
    3. You must check the box Open as External Resource to open the link in a new window/tab, or the link will not work because it requires secure login for off-campus user
    4. Click on the Create button, and then you will be able to preview the video. NOTE: To make sure the video link works properly, click the video link that you just created to preview it.
Option 5: Linking to media that the Online Learning team converted for you (e.g. accommodation)
  1. Click on the Content link from the course navbar
  2. Select the module on the left side where you would like to add the media file
  3. Click the Upload/Create action menu and select Add from Manage Files
  4. The Add a File window will open. Click the videos folder
  5. Check the box next to the file name of the video that the Online Learning team emailed to you. For example: “career-encounters.html” (no quotes). You can select more than one file if you want to add all the videos to the same module
  6. Click on the Add button. NOTE: To make sure the video link works properly, click the video link that you just created to preview it.