Record a screen capture using Kaltura Capture
Getting Started
Kaltura Capture is a desktop recording and capture tool for easy creation of videos.
- What is required: A D2L Brightspace account and a webcam or a headset microphone
Kaltura Capture has a simple user interface to record your screen. You can capture multi-stream recordings, easily record Powerpoint Presentation, or capture your screen.
With Kaltura Capture application, you have ability to capture the screen, a camera, and the audio inputs. To create a recording of a camera and the screen, all you need to do to start recording is click the big red button. After a short countdown the recording will start.
- If you run into any issues following these steps, please contact the Online Faculty Helpdesk (971-722-8227, Email: [opens in new window])
- PCC has MS Office 365 Education license, which you can use Microsoft PowerPoint as a screen recording tool and upload media to our streaming server (Kaltura).
Video Tutorials
- General Walk through Video
- How to Install the Kaltura Capture Application
- How to Set the Recording Options in Kaltura Capture
- Getting Started with Kaltura Capture Application
- How to Set and Create a Presentation Recording with Kaltura Capture
Part I: Using My Media
- Step 1: Installing Kaltura Capture
- Step 2: Setting up options
- Step 3: Options while Recording
- Step 4: Finish Recording
- Step 5: Exit Kaltura Capture
- Step 6: Adding a video to your course
Step 1: Installing Kaltura Capture
Please note minimum system requirements to setup Kaltura Desktop Application, Windows 7 to 10, 64-bit and above, Mac 10.10 to 10.13.
The Kaltura Capture application needs to be downloaded and installed once. It will automatically launch after that if you save the default settings.
Download Kaltura Capture:
- Log in to your D2L Brightspace
- From My Home page, click MyMedia from the navigation bar
- If it is your first time, you will need to check the box and continue with the agreement statement
- Click Add New button and choose Capture. If it is your first time, you will need to choose what OS to download:
Download for Windows or Download for Mac
Step 2: Setting up options
Once you launch Kaltura Capture, the Kaltura Capture recorder is displayed. The Kaltura Capture recording tool includes, recording button. Press the red button to start your recording screen and camera preview. Once you choose one of the options below, we recommend you to run a recording test to make sure everything is in order before you actually do your recording.
Tips for recording quality video
There are some options to configure settings for each one of them, including your audio. You can easily record any combination of screen and camera. Kaltura Capture provides several recording options:
Step 3: Options while Recording
Annotate recording
When recording you can scribe, doodle or annotate the screen recording using a variety of tools. Click on the Pencil icon to engage the annotation palette.
Pause recording
You can pause the recording by clicking on the red circle
Cancel recording
By clicking on the gray X, you can cancel the recording. Note, that you will be prompt in with the confirmation box.
Stop recording
By clicking on the white square, you can stop the recording. You’ll be prompted with a confirmation box if you want to stop the recording or not. If yes, the recording will be completed.
Step 4: Finish Recording
- Click the white square button to stop the recording and choose Yes, stop it to confirm.
- You can preview the video by clicking the Play button (grey triangle) below the video preview.
- If you choose Option 5 on Step 2: Capturing both the screen and webcam, on the recording preview you can see the two streams: of the screen and the camera. You can also choose how you want to view them, picture in picture, side by side, or maybe focus on a specific stream.
- If you choose Option 5 on Step 2: Capturing both the screen and webcam, on the recording preview you can see the two streams: of the screen and the camera. You can also choose how you want to view them, picture in picture, side by side, or maybe focus on a specific stream.
- You can choose to Delete and start over with your recording.
- If you’re satisfied with your recording, enter the appropriate title for your video. Add tags using keyword, separate each word by pressing the Enter or Return key on your keyboard (i.e. your course, video topic, your name, etc.) so that your video can be easily search later.
- Click the Save & Upload button. Your video will be uploaded to Kaltura streaming server. It will take time depending on video length and your internet connection.
- Click X on the top right corner to close the Kaltura Capture application.
Step 5: Exit Kaltura Capture
Even though previously you already closed Kaltura Capture application, it is still running on the background.
To completely exit the Kaltura Capture application, go to the Taskbar and Navigation Properties box. Right-click on the Kaltura Capture icon, select Quit to exit the application.
To hide or show Kaltura Capture, select show or hide. Note that hiding the application means that you are still logged in.
Step 6: Adding a video to your course
Your video recording may not be available right away. Depending on video length and your internet connection, your video may still being processed in Kaltura. Come back at a later time to check and follow the guide (Option 1 and 1a or Option 2 and 2b) to Embed from My Media using the Insert Stuff.
Part II: Managing video in My Media
Option 1: Caption your video recording
Your video will automatically captioned using automatic captions generated by machine. Note that they clearly aren’t the same as human transcription so you may need to revised and edited to ensure they are 100% accurate. Captions can be easily added to any videos in your My Media library. Depending on the length of the video, it should process the captions in less than 1 hour.
Normally you don’t have to do these steps since the caption will be done automatically. If you don’t see it yet, you can add caption manually or choose a specific language for your caption. To add captions to one of your videos:
- Go to My Media link from the D2L Homepage navbar
- Click on the video title that you want to add caption
- Click the Actions drop-down menu and select Caption & Enrich
- On the Caption & Enrich page, if you see the caption is on “Pending” status because the caption will be automatically generated, then you should stop here and just want until the caption becomes available. When the auto caption process is done, the status will be changed to “Ready.” If your media is using another language than the default English, you follow the next step to order the caption manually
- Click the +Order button
- Under Source Media Language, choose English, unless your recording is using another language (Arabic, Cantonese, English, Mandarin Chinese, Russian, or Spanish)
- Click on the Submit button
Edit caption
Learn more how you can edit captions on your own.
Note: For accommodation needs to correct your captions, please contact [opens in new window]. These videos must be self produced and meant to be used more than three terms.
Option 2: Changing Media Owner and add Collaborators
The person who uploads the media to Kaltura will be the default owner. There can only be one owner per media. Media owner can change or transfer to someone else. You can also add co-editors, co-publishers, or co-viewers to a media.
Collaborator types and permissions:
- Co-Editors – can edit the entry’s details and metadata, trim media, replace media, edit captions, edit chapters and edit slides. Co-editors cannot delete media or add new co-editors and co-publishers. Co-editors can see the analytics page for the media they co-edit.
- Co-Publishers – can publish media to their entitled Categories or Channels. This option must be enabled by your KMS administrator for this tab to display. Group support may be enabled for the Media Collaboration features. When enabled, you can select groups that may be assigned as co-editors/publishers for an entry.
- Co-Viewers – are only able to view media and do not have editing permissions, nor are they allowed to view unlisted entries, unless they are also co-publishers or co-editors of that entry.
Part III: Edit your video recording
Kaltura Video Editing Tools allow you to clip or trim media, chop and splice media, add/edit quizzes, and add hotspots.
The video may not be available right away, depending on the length of the recording. So you will need to check back later before you can edit it. Once the video is fully uploaded into My Media, you can perform some basic editing by opening the Video Editor function.
- Log in to your D2L Brightspace
- From My Home page, click MyMedia from the navigation
- Click on the media’s Edit icon on the right of the video
- Then click the Launch Editor button
Error: The image above does not have Alt TextOR Click on the video thumbnail, then select Launch Editor from the ACTIONS drop-down menu
Option 1: Video Editor Tab
You can trim and clip a part from the beginning or the end, or chop and splice a section in the middle of your media, like an intermission or a technical glitch. You can also add Zoom in/out and Fade in/out for video effect.
Option 2: Quiz Tab
Note: We do not fully support this functionality at this time.
Interactive Video Quizzing seamlessly embeds multiple choice questions at any point in a video. You can easily add your own questions. These questions are attached to the video and ‘travel’ with it wherever it is embedded or presented.
As viewers watch the video quiz, the questions will appear at the chosen points. The video continues after each question is answered. Flexible settings allow creators to choose whether viewers can repeat sections, skip questions, revise answers, get hints, and discover the correct answers, allowing Interactive Video Quizzing to be used to increase engagement, test knowledge and retention, gather data, and more.
- Create and edit interactive video quizzes
- How to take a quiz in Kaltura Video Quiz (viewer / students)
Part IV: Post the recording to your course
Add a video to your course
You have 2 options to add a video to your course:
- Embed it to a new html page (follow Option 1 and Option 1a)
- Embed it to an existing html page (follow Option 2 and 2a)
Part V: Optional – sharing outside of D2L
You can also share your videos outside of D2L Brightspace. When doing this, you do give up some of the control you have over where it is displayed. However, this is only important when you have copyright or privacy concerns. You may also loose some of the tracking information about video usage.
- Click on My Media from the D2L homepage.
- Find the media you want to share and click the Edit icon.
- Click the Launch Editor button to continue.
- When the preview of the video loads, click on the Share icon at the top-right.
- You can choose from a link or an embed code. The link is more useful for adding to email or chats. Copy the link and paste it into your message.