Using a rubric to grade an assignment or a discussion

Once you have created a rubric and linked it to a discussion or assignment, completing and transferring the grade to the grade book is easy.

  • What is required: A D2L Brightspace course in which you have created one or more rubrics to use with an assignment or a discussion


You must choose a grade for each criterion and level inside the rubric when grading a student and make sure they’re all checked. You can still adjust the score and add feedback. Otherwise, your students can only see their score, not the graded rubric and feedback you post under each criterion. If you missed choosing a criterion, you will be prompted with a message: “Not all rubric criteria have been scored – Publish anyway?” You can choose between Publish or Cancel. If you choose to click Publish, your students will see only the score but not the graded rubric.


What can you do with the rubric?
  1. After clicking on each criterion, you can still adjust the rubric point
  2. You can add feedback below each criterion
  3. You can click Clear Override to reset the score

D2l Grading an assignment or a discussion using rubric: what you can do with it

For an assignment, click the Close button when you’re done using the rubric and the grade will automatically be the score inside the assignment. You can write additional feedback and click the Update button to save the graded assignment for that student.

Different ways of grading an assignment:

For a discussion, after you’re done using the rubric, you can write more comments in the general feedback area, then click the Update button to save the graded rubric in the discussion. You can read students’ posts and reply to threads on the same page.

Different ways of grading a discussion:
Option 1: Grading assignments using a rubric
Option 2: Grading discussions using a rubric
Student view of Feedback

See a student’s view of feedback and rubrics.