Modifying Video/Audio Note Captions

  • Who is this for: Instructors
  • What is required: A D2L Brightspace class containing Video Notes


When using Video/Audio Notes, you may find that the auto-generated captions are not accurate and need some modification. This can be done one of two ways:

  1. Using the Media Library editor
  2. Uploading a Video Text Tracks (.vtt) file
Option 1: Using the Media Library editor
Step 1: Open your Media Library
  1. Open the gear menu in the top right of D2L Brightspace
  2. Select “Media Library”Image showing location of Media Library from the D2L Brightspace menu
Step 2: Select the note you wish to edit
  1. Click on the more options icon next to the note you wish to edit
  2. Select “Edit”Image showing how to open a specific note for editing
Step 3: Modify the captions in the editor
  1. Open the “Closed Captions” tabImage showing location of closed caption tab in note editor
  2. Captions will appear in timestamped blocksImage showing location of timestamp block
  3. Enter/modify text in the text field
  4. Click the trash can icon to delete a blockImage showing location of text field and delete icon
  5. To edit the start/stop time of a block, click the arrow to expand the fields
  6. Add a new block by entering text here and pressing enter or clicking the plus sign
  7. When you are done editing, select the Finish button in the top right to save your changesImage showing location of timestamp options, insert new caption block, and finish button
Option 2: Uploading a Video Text Tracks (.vtt) file
Step 1: Download the existing file (if captions were auto-generated)
  1. Go to the location of the Note in your course shell, then click on the gear icon
  2. Select “View transcriptImage showing the view transcript location
  3. Expand the “Download” menu
  4. Select “Captions (.vtt)Image showing vtt download button
Step 2: Modify the .vtt file

Open the file using a text editor (e.g. notepad, etc.) and modify the captions (be sure to save the file after modifying).

The format is similar to that of the caption blocks from the Media Library editor (see option 1 above). Note the (1) Caption block number (2) Start/Stop time (3) caption text field. Example of .vtt file

Step 3: Upload the .vtt file
  1. Go to the Media Library editor for the Note you wish to edit (see option 1, steps 1&2 above)
  2. Open the Closed Caption tab
  3. Select “Upload” and chose the modified .vtt file
  4. Select the “Finish” button in the top right to save your changesImage showing location of caption upload button and finish button