- How to revise/create Instructor Qualifications
- Instructor Approval Form (for individual instructors)
The Standards for Instructor Qualifications at PCC are published in the Academic Standards and Practices Handbook Section I301. For many subject areas, more specific qualifications and clarifications have been developed. These Instructor qualifications are recommended by the Subject Area Committees and approved by administration, and are subject to the educational and experience minimums found on the Instructor Approval Form.
See Instructions for Creating and Revising Instructor Qualifications for obtaining approval of new and revised Qualifications.
- AB: Auto Collision Repair Technology
- ABE: Adult Basic Education
- AD: Addiction Studies
- ALC: Alternative Learning Center
- AM: Automotive Service Technology
- ASEP: Automotive Service Educational Program
- AMT: Aviation Maintenance Technology
- APR: Apprenticeship
- ARCH: Architectural Design and Drafting
- ART: Art
- ASL: American Sign Language Studies
- ATH: Anthropology
- AVS: Aviation Science
- BA: Business Administration
- BCT: Building Construction Technology
- BI: Biology
- BIT: Bioscience Technology
- CADD: Computer Aided Drafting and Design
- CAS-OS: Computer Applications & Web Technologies
- CIS: Computer Information Systems
- CS: Computer Science
- CG: Counsel/Career Guidance
- CH: Chemistry
- Child and Family Studies: See ECE
- CHN: Chinese
- CHLA: Chicano / Latino Studies
- CCET: Civil and Construction Engineering Technology
- CJA: Criminal Justice
- COMM: Communication Studies
- CSS: Crop Soil Science (see LAT)
- CTT: Computed Tomography (RAD)
- D: Dance
- DA: Dental Assisting
- DE: Developmental Education
- DH: Dental Hygiene
- DT: Dental Laboratory Technology
- DRF: Drafting Technology and Design
- DS: Diesel Service Technology
- DST: Dealer Service Technology
- ECE/HEC/HUS: Child & Family Studies
- EC: Economics
- ED: Education
- EET: Electronic Engineering Technology
- ELT: Electrical Trades
- EMS: Emergency Medical Services
- ENG: English and Writing
- ENGR: Engineering (Transfer)
- ES: Ethnic Studies
- ESOL: English for Speakers of Other Languages
- ESR: Environmental Studies
- Exercise Science: See FT
- FMT: Facilities Maintenance Technology
- FN: Foods and Nutrition
- FR: French
- FP: Fire Protection Technology
- FT: Exercise Science
- HE: Health
- HEC: Consumer and Family Studies (See ECE)
- HIM: Health Information Management
- HON: Honors
- HOR: Horticulture (see LAT)
- HR: Culinary Assistant
- HST: History
- HUM: Humanities
- HUS: Human Services
- ID: Interior Design
- INSP: Building Inspection Technology
- INTL: International Studies
- ITAL: Italian
- ITP: Sign Language Interpretation (see SLIP)
- MA: Medical Assisting
- MCH: Machine Manufacturing Technology
- MLT: Medical Laboratory Technology
- MM: Multimedia
- MP: Medical Professions
- MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (RAD)
- MSD: Management/ Supervisory Development
- MT: Microelectronic Technology
- MTH: Mathematics
- MUC: Music & Sonic Arts
- MUS and MUP: Music and Applied Music
- OMT: Ophthalmic Medical Technology
- OS: Office Systems (See CAS-WT)
- OST: Occupational Skills Training
- PL: Paralegal
- PE: Physical Education
- PHL: Philosophy
- PHY: Physics
- PS: Political Science
- PSY: Psychology
- RAD: Radiography (includes MRI and CTT)
- R: Religious Studies
- RD: Reading (See Developmental Ed)
- RUS: Russian
- SC: Skill Center
- SLIP/ITP: Sign Language Interpretation
- SJ: Social Justice
- SOC: Sociology
- SPA: Spanish
- WL: World Languages
- WS: Women’s and Gender Studies
- WR: Writing and English
- (WT): Web Technology (See CAS-OS)
- WLD: Welding Technology