Accessibility Resources in the Library
PCC Library strives to create an inclusive environment. The Library prioritizes accessibility in its decisions and services. PCC Library works closely with Accessible Education and Disability Resources to make accommodations for those who require them.
This page includes information on the Library’s accessibility policies and resources.
Adaptive equipment is available in each campus library. Find out more about adaptive equipment available at PCC.
Each library provides scanners on height-adjustable tables. Library scanners are free to use. Scanners can perform optical character recognition (OCR) in multiple languages and can convert printed text to audio files. Users can email scanned files as attachments, save them to thumb drives, or upload them to Google Drive.
Need help with adaptive equipment?
Staff in Accessibility Education and Disability Resources are available to answer questions.
Blindness and low vision
- JAWS, Read&Write, and ZoomText are installed on Library computers. For more information, please see Accessible Education and Disability Resources accessible technology.
- PCC Library provides several ebook collections. All PCC ebooks can be read on a computer screen. Some can be checked out and downloaded to a mobile device. Most books can be accessed by multiple users at the same time.
- Many of our article databases have read-aloud features.
- The Oregon Talking Book and Braille Library offers audiobook and braille library options for the print-disabled.
- Disability Services also has a wide variety of audiobook options. Contact PCC Library or Accessible Education and Disability Resources for further assistance.
- Braille versions of board games
Deafness and hearing loss
- You can search for DVDs with closed captioning at PCC Library.
- You can also search for streaming videos with closed captioning at PCC Library. Closed captioning is available in most, if not all, streaming videos available through PCC Library. Contact Maria Wagner with captioning requests for streaming videos.
- The Library provides comfortable spaces designed for wheelchair access.
- All campus library computer labs and classrooms have accessible workstations.
- The Library provides elevators to move between floors.
- Learn more about PCC Library’s accessible building features at Disability Services’ Accessible Building Features maps:
ADA compliance policy
- PCC Library works closely with Disability Services in making provisions for users who need accommodations.
- Service animals are permitted in the library.
- Adaptive technology equipment is available to check out at all libraries.
- The Library purchases films and videos with closed captions or subtitles when they are available.
- The Library tests all new electronic resources added to the collection with Disability Services testers, and will not add a new subscription database if it is found to be inaccessible. The Library provides strong feedback to vendors about the accessibility of their products.
- The Library encourages faculty to be aware of the need for closed captioning when they request the purchase of new materials.
- The Library’s website strives to be WCAG 2.0 compliant and follows guidelines set forth by the U.S. Access Board.
Library website
The Library regularly reviews its website and instructional content to ensure that it meets ADA guidelines and that it supports the principles of universal design. Please contact us with questions and comments about Adaptive Technology and universal design.