Portland Community College Portland Community College Library | Portland, Oregon

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Public Safety keeping watch over the students.


This grove of fir trees (Pseudotsuga Taxafolia) was planted on a very cold, rainy day, February 29, 1968, by a group of hardy souls listed below, most of whom knew nothing about tree planting and none had sense enough to get out of the rain. These trees grew despite the fact that they were planted without a landscape architect's plan, without an environmental impact statement and without approval of DEQ, the Oregon Environmental Council, LCDC, the Sierra Club, the Neighborhood Planning Committee, the Design Review Board, and CRAG. - Amo & Jessie DeBernardis, Edith Johnson, Coral & Renda Kay, Leonard Garmire, James & Virginia Rogers, Rebecca Zertanna, Bob & Betty Zertanna, George & Elaine Ryan, Noble & Gladys Cumming, George & Jeanne Pasero, Bob Palmer, Loyal Buroker, Lloyd Soule, Al Widestrom, Eugene Barrett, Norm Bjorkland, Herb McMurtry, Kathy Gourley, Lee Harter, Don Uppendahl, Jerry Sand, Leroy Goodwin, Jack Knutson, Russell Abraham, Hub Walter, Joe Atkins, Henry Lind, Roy Tidwell, Roy Lindsay, Donna Zuckerman, Joe Merril, Jack Weinbender, Clifford Stephens, Ole Johnson, Alice Crystal Rose


"By 1964 community college business was taking too much of the Portland School Board's time, and the board named an advisory council to help steer the fast-growing college and to recommend policies for the college. The advisory council continued to function until 1968-69 when the college was separated from the school district and got its own elected board of directors." -- p. 108, from the book, "They Just Did It" Philip R. Bogue served on the advisory council in 1968.


Pearl Greene on her job at Cascade Campus.


A display celebrating PCC's 25th Anniversary.


Portland Community College booth celebrating 25th anniversary.


"PCC Skills Center Executive Director Paulette Helton-Robenson and Mayor Bud Clark welcoming Paulette to Cascade Campus." -- from reverse of photo


Pat Churchill, Bill O'Connor, Eilleen Pecka observing the construction site.