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Library Instruction Request

Thank you for your interest in library instruction for your class. Faculty librarians provide information literacy instruction for a large number of classes at PCC’s campuses, centers, and work sites. Librarians can provide synchronous instruction to face-to-face, online, and hybrid classes; develop asynchronous instructional tools like videos, tutorials, and research guides tailored to your assignment; or embed in your Brightspace classroom to support student research.

Please fill out the form below at least one week in advance of your requested date. The development of some asynchronous online learning objects may require more advanced notice.

1Your Info
2Course Info
3Additional Info
  • Enter your name.
  • Enter your preferred mode of address in the classroom (e.g., "John," "Mr. Smith," or "Professor Smith").
  • Enter your PCC email.
  • Enter your phone number.
    Examples of asynchronous instruction include the development of tutorials, videos, research guides, having a librarian embedded in your Brightspace classroom to support students, and more.
  • Do you want to work with a specific librarian or a librarian from a specific campus? We will make every effort to assign your preferred librarian, but we can't guarantee their availability.