PCC Library Audiobook and Ebook Collection

A collection of PCC Library audiobooks and ebooks are now available through OverDrive. To borrow these books, you will first need to install the Libby App on your device. Check these device-specific instructions for step-by-step guidance on installation.
After a successful installation, you can browse for audiobooks or ebooks from your desktop or the Libby App. You can also customize your listening experience by speeding up or slowing down audiobook narration.
Questions? Contact us. We’re here to help!
Use the OverDrive help to get started with borrowing audiobooks and ebooks from the PCC collection. You can access OverDrive from your desktop or the Libby app. Listen or read them online, or you can download them for offline use. See Get Help with Audiobooks for additional information about borrowing, renewing, and returning audiobooks. See Get Help with Ebooks for information about borrowing ebooks.
The OverDrive app is no longer available. Download the Libby app now. The Libby app has improved support for screen readers, voice control, keyboard navigation, and other assistive technologies (view Libby’s accessibility statement.). It will also send you notifications when your holds are ready or when a digital book is going to expire. If you have wish lists on OverDrive, you can sync them to Libby following these directions: Does my library wish list sync to Libby?