PCC Library’s Goal for Student Success
PCC Library delivers innovative, collaborative instruction across the curriculum, fostering critical thinking and academic study. It does this through outstanding teaching, welcoming physical spaces, and an accessible virtual environment.
Library Planning
When PCC adopts a new 2021-2026 Strategic Plan, the library will follow suit and develop a library strategic plan aligned with the College’s mission and vision. In the meantime, the library has developed a short-term plan (2019-2021) which identifies three focus areas and four goals the library will work towards in the next two years.
- Equitable Student Success: PCC Library will contribute to the College’s goal to equitably support students in reaching their academic goals and to close the opportunity gap
- Identify how the library supports equitable student success and implement changes that are responsive to the diverse needs of our students
- Learning Organization: PCC Library will develop staff and enhance work practices to benefit our library and the College.
- Develop and adopt organizational practices and structures that promote collaboration, effectiveness, and diverse perspectives
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: PCC Library will create and maintain inclusive learning and working environments
- Increase intercultural competency for all library staff, with a focus on Critical Race Theory
- Strengthen cross-department collaboration
Library Assessment
The Library Subject Area Committee (SAC) engaged in a 5-year program review that culminated in a final report (February 2017). The Library SAC’s five goals are influenced by curricular changes and college-wide priorities. The SAC has made progress on several of the goals identified in the program review. Below are some specific activities,
- Launched the Information Literacy Teaching Materials, a toolkit designed to support all faculty teaching students how to find, critically evaluate, and ethically use information. The toolkit includes video tutorials, in-class activities, worksheets, and handouts that instructors can use (or adapt and use) within their courses.
- Developed a 2-credit LIB 127: Information Research course that allows for exploration of research within a discipline or job-related field.
- Library faculty are actively involved with YESS work; serving on Reading & Writing and Math teams, Guided Pathways team, DSACs (Discipline Studies SACs), and GEARS (General Education Assessment Review Subcommittee).
- PCC Reference and Instruction librarians have incorporated techniques for embedding into online classes to reach PCC’s growing population of online students.
Library Subject Area Committee’s 2021-22 Learning Assessment goal
Enhance and amplify student achievement by focusing on teaching practices; learn if there are more equitable and culturally responsive practices we can infuse into the LIB courses. Conduct an audit of learning outcomes for LIB courses and the current definitions of student achievement.