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Research Help Appointments
Need help with your research? A reference librarian is like a tutor for finding and citing information. Schedule an appointment to get uninterrupted individual time with a librarian.
Get an overview of what’s available on your topic
- Online Encyclopedias: provide introductory information on a variety of topics and give you a good jumping-off point for research on your chosen topic.
See resources available from PCC Library or Summit Libraries
- Library search: PCC Library search can connect you to books, videos, music, and more from PCC Library and from libraries outside of PCC. Learn how to request books, videos, and more from other libraries.
Find the right article database to start from
- Articles and databases: databases available through PCC Library connect you with scholarly and popular articles on a variety of topics.
- Research guides: are collections of databases and other resources put together by PCC librarians to help you do research on many different subjects and topics.
Find an opinion piece or newspaper editorial on my topic
- Opposing Viewpoints: is a one-stop source for information on current social issues. It includes viewpoint articles on both sides of an issue, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, links to websites, and full text magazine and newspaper articles.