Searching the EBSCO databases in languages other than English
Search for articles in a language other than English
Search for articles in Spanish
If you want to search for articles in Spanish, check the “Spanish” checkbox in the “Filters” tab under “Limit your results” before searching. When you use this filter, your search should return article results in Spanish.

You can also filter for articles in Spanish after you get your search results by first clicking the “All filters” box directly under the search bar.

This will open a filter menu on the right side of the page. Now select the “Spanish” check box in the “All Filters” menu under “Advanced search” and click the “Apply” button. Your search results should now display articles in Spanish.

Search for articles in other languages
After you complete your search, click the “All filters” button at the top of the search results page.

This will open a filter menu on the right side of the page. Look for the “language” dropdown, click it, select the language you want to search for articles in, and click “Apply”. This should return article results in the language you have selected.

Use EBSCO Databases in a language other than English
If you would like to translate the language on the search page to a language other than English, select “MyEBSCO” on the top-right corner of the page, and click “My preferences”.

On the “My preferences” page, select the language you want from the dropdown menu and click “Save”.

The EBSCO database page should now appear in the language you selected.

Short video: Switching EBSCO language preferences
Watch this short (:20) video to see a demonstration of the process described above: How to switch your EBSCO language preferences. Note: This video does not contain audio.
Save your language preferences with MyEBSCO
If you want to save your language preference for the next time you use an EBSCO database, you’ll need to sign into your MyEBSCO account to save the preference. To sign into MyEBSCO, or create a MyEBSCO account if you don’t have one, click on MyEBSCO on the top right of the screen.

Translation Resources from Google Translate
If you need to translate a webpage, database, or document into another language (or into English from another language), you can try using the Google Translate tool. Visit the Google Support page linked here for more information about how to use Google Translate to translate websites and documents.