Below are explanations of the errors you might encounter when logging in to your library accounts or to PCC Library’s articles and databases. If this page doesn’t explain the particular error you’re seeing, please submit a Library Authentication Problems Report for assistance.
The Username/Password Pair Could Not Be Found
This error means one of the following.
- You’ve entered your username or password incorrectly. Make sure Caps Lock is off. If you’re using a smartphone or tablet, make sure your device isn’t changing the cases of your letters or inserting extra characters as you type.
- You’ve changed your password recently. Account changes should be updated within 20 minutes.
- You haven’t registered for classes yet. If you recently enrolled as a PCC student, you’ll receive access to library databases and accounts.
- You’re a new PCC student or employee. If you’ve just registered for classes or began work today, please wait until tomorrow and try again.
- There’s an issue with your PCC account. If your account doesn’t designate you an active student, staff, or faculty member, your information won’t enter the online access system. If you’ve exhausted all other possibilities and suspect there’s something wrong with your account, please submit a Library Authentication Problems Report.
Account Expired
Only students currently enrolled in classes and active PCC employees can access library resources from off campus.
If you’re a current PCC student, but you’re not taking classes this term, PCC Library will restore your access after you register for classes in a future term. Until then, you can visit one of the four campus libraries and use the student computers to access articles and databases.
If you’re a former PCC student or employee, you can apply for a community patron card to resume borrowing activities.
If you still see this error as an active student or employee, please submit a Library Authentication Problems Report.
User Not Found
Your PCC ID number doesn’t match any records in the library system.
If you’re a new employee or a new student who registered for classes today, you’ll receive access to library resources in the morning. Please try again tomorrow.
If you’re a former student or employee, you can apply for a community patron card to resume borrowing activities.
If you still see this error as an active student or employee, please submit a Library Authentication Problems Report.
Connection Failed
PCC might be experiencing network issues. Please try again later.
System Down
The library system is currently down. Please try again later.
Broken Links
A link to a library resource is incorrect if you follow it and land on any of the following.
- The PCC home page
- A PCC page that says the requested page could not be found.
- A white screen with the message, “To allow {URL} to be used in a starting point URL, your EZproxy administrator must first authorize the hostname of this URL in the config.txt file.”
- A sign-in screen that isn’t a PCC sign-in.
Articles and Databases contains instructions for creating links to library resources that will work from on and off campus.