My position in the Library is in web and digital services. My responsibilities include library website content management, electronic resources management, and library statistics. I get very “jazzed up” when making connections between people and information.
My background is in video production, web page development, library and media services, instructional technology, and print shop administration. I completed my Bachelors degree from the University of Alberta. A few years later, I took a position as a graduate research assistant working on a Masters degree in Physiology at the University of Louisville (School of Medicine). During this time, I played professional women’s racquetball and was sponsored by AMF Head. Just before graduation, family matters required a move closer to my roots in Canada. With car, pets, and tent in tow, I set out on the Oregon trail and ended up in Portland. I vividly remember the moment I first set foot on a PCC campus. I told a friend that “one day I will work here because my Spirit has found its home”. So it was and so it is!
I love to do photography, hike, play my guitar and sing, fly kites at the beach, kayak, ride Honda Gold-Wing motorcycles, do calligraphy projects, and snowshoe with other “Canucks”. I often read science fiction into the early morning hours with my cat curled up in my lap. At days end, I sit quietly and write in my journal.