Summit is the combined catalog of member libraries of the Orbis Cascade Alliance. These Pacific Northwest academic libraries have joined together to allow easy searching, requesting, and delivery of more than 27 million items to PCC students, staff and faculty. To request both Summit and Interlibrary loan materials, see Requesting Library Materials.
Summit borrowing policies
For full details regarding check out, loan periods, and overdue fines, please refer to Borrowing and Loan Periods and Fines.
Summit visiting patron program
- PCC borrowers can visit other Summit libraries to check out materials and place requests on Summit items.
- At the other institution, users must log into their PCC Library account to verify their current active status.
- Once “adopted” by the other library, PCC borrowers can begin using the other library’s materials.
- Patrons from other Summit institutions can also be adopted at PCC Library. Once “adopted”, they may begin checking out PCC-owned materials.
- Materials can be picked up at all Orbis-Cascade Alliance member institution libraries.