Maritime Welding Training Center

Smiling students standing in front of Maritime Training Center5555 N Channel Ave, Portland, OR 97217

The Vigor and PCC Maritime Welding Training Center is a 4,000-square-foot facility next to the Swan Island shipyards at the Willamette River, where students advance in the art and craft of welding.

Vigor Industrial is the region’s leading provider of shipbuilding, ship repair, ship conversion and complex industrial fabrication. PCC is Oregon’s unrivaled educational entry point to training, skills-building and opportunity, and widely recognized for the excellence of its programs. Together, Vigor and the college offer students unparalleled, hands-on education under the expert guidance of diverse and student-centered faculty. For certificate and degree information, see Welding Technology.

The center exemplifies Vigor and PCC’s shared commitment to equity and inclusion. In 2017-2018, 27 percent of welders in the Maritime Welding Training Center were female-identified or non-binary. Both institutions are second-chance employers helping people overcome histories of incarceration.

Contact us to learn more about opportunities at the Maritime Welding Training Center:

Maritime Welding Training Center news

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Admissions: apply today

Next term: spring 2025

Important dates from the academic calendar
Feb 7Class schedule available
Feb 24Credit registration begins
Mar 5Community Ed registration begins
Mar 19Deadline to apply for admission
Mar 31Beginning of term

see full academic calendar