Posted in March 2003
Students host open house, can drive for animals
- ROCK CREEK CAMPUS - The Veterinary Technology program students at Portland Community College are sponsoring a food drive through Sunday, March 30 and an open house for animals. Posted March 20, 2003
Rock Creek Gallery to exhibit duo's ceramic art
- ROCK CREEK CAMPUS - The Rock Creek Art Gallery at Portland Community College will showcase the ceramic work of Jeffery and Donna Lee Tousley starting Monday, March 31 through Friday, May 2. Posted March 19, 2003
PCC recommends $7.6 million in cuts, increases in tuition
- PORTLAND, Ore. - The board of directors of Portland Community College will hear proposals Thursday, March 20, for dealing with shrinking revenues prompted by the state budget shortfall. Posted March 19, 2003
School districts reap reward from PCC initiative
- A $1.4 million grant generated by PCC gives elementary and high school instructional assistants a track for college. Posted March 13, 2003
TWO ITEMS: Pen your one-act play through PCC class
- PORTLAND, Ore. - Discover the art of writing a one-act play. Portland Community College can teach you how to turn your ideas into a stage-ready script in an upcoming non-credit class. Posted March 12, 2003
PCC helps stage 8th annual math, science and technology conference
- HILLSBORO, Ore. - Hundreds of girls from 27 metro-area middle schools will converge at the Washington Country Fair Complex in Hillsboro on Wednesday, March 12, from 9:15 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., to explore their burgeoning interest in science and technology. Posted March 11, 2003
THREE ITEMS: Intermediate digital photography features weekly photo projects
- ST. HELENS, Ore. - You've mastered the basics of your digital camera, but now, how about all of those extra gadgets and software capabilities you've seen listed in the manual? Posted March 10, 2003
Soaring Crane Qigong class restores health, movement
- PORTLAND, Ore. - More than 20 million people worldwide have discovered the healing benefits of Qigong. Portland Community College will offer a non-credit exercise class this spring that highlight a specialized form of this ancient form of meditation. Posted March 10, 2003
Overcome roadblocks, tap energy with free downtown lunch series
- PORTLAND, Ore. - Don't spend another lunch hour in the company of your computer. Instead, join Portland Community College for a stimulating series of free lunch-time lectures, designed to empower your decisions and increase your success with work relationships. Posted March 10, 2003
Learn to sew with PCC non-credit class
- LAKE OSWEGO, Ore. - Sewing is both a practical skill and a creative outlet. Portland Community College will offer a non-credit class to help you pick up the skills and be on your way to repairing clothing, creating art projects, even making your own outfits. Posted March 10, 2003