Posted in December 2003
PCC construction brings first break to landscape grad
- The New Growth Landscape owner is in the midst of a four-month $500,000 landscape installation at Portland Community College's new Southeast Center on 82nd Avenue and Division Street. Posted December 30, 2003
PCC class helps women age 35+ start second careers
- PORTLAND, Ore. - For many women, taking time out from careers to have children or to nurture families is the right choice. But when it's time to re-enter the workforce, where do you start? A Portland Community College upcoming non-credit class can help you make the transition. Posted December 22, 2003
Create willow furniture for your garden with PCC class
- PORTLAND, Ore. - In a one-day workshop with Portland Community College, you can create your own garden furniture. Posted December 22, 2003
Mexican cooking class adds spice to winter meals
- BEAVERTON, Ore. - Looking for recipes to warm up your winter menus? Portland Community College has a spicy complement to January nights: a non-credit Mexican cooking class featuring authentic dishes. Posted December 22, 2003
Pre-Valentine's Day workshop tells singles ?it's okay'
- PORTLAND, Ore. - "Still single"for this coming Valentine's Day? A new non-credit workshop offered by Portland Community College can explain why that might not be such a bad thing. Posted December 22, 2003
Write or illustrate your children's book with PCC class
- PORTLAND, Ore. - Are you the next J.K. Rowling? Two Portland Community College non-credit classes will give you the real chance to find out by writing or illustrating your own children's book. Posted December 22, 2003
Drum-making class teaches Native American traditions
- PORTLAND, Ore. - Drums are not only essential to music ensembles, they can also be works of art. A new Portland Community College non-credit class teaches drum making in the great tradition of the Native Americans. Posted December 22, 2003
Tune up your finances for the New Year
- BEAVERTON, Ore. - It's never too late to start investing and the New Year is a perfect time to resolve to make your finances work for you. Posted December 22, 2003
?Be your own boss' with PCC home-based biz class
- PORTLAND, Ore. - Want to be your own boss, but not sure what kind of business to start? Portland Community College will offer a non-credit class to help you keep your New Year's resolution and finally launch a home-based business. Posted December 22, 2003
Discover how to travel the world with PCC's free info session
- PORTLAND, Ore. - What country have you always wanted to learn about? Through Portland Community College, you can travel all over the world through non-credit educational excursions. Posted December 22, 2003