Posted in 2004
PCC dedicates Technology Classroom Building at Sylvania Campus
- On Wednesday, Nov. 10, the college and the community celebrated the opening of the brand new Technology Classroom Building. The […] Posted November 22, 2004
Dept. of Ed to showcase PCC on TV
- The Department of Education will feature PCC’s Gateway to College program on their monthly television show. The Department of Education […] Posted November 16, 2004
PCC graduate returns to help build new facilities
- The motto of her company is "Exceed customer's expectations." Sharon Crymes and her company Mechanical, Inc. have been exceeding expectations at Portland Community College's Cascade Campus for quite some time. The company installed all of the HVAC (air conditioning) systems at the new Public Services Education Building. Posted November 16, 2004
Juried fiber exhibit on display at Northview Gallery
- SYLVANIA CAMPUS - The Northview Gallery at Portland Community College is hosting a two- and three-dimensional fiber artwork exhibit from Nov. 10 through Dec. 10. Posted November 10, 2004
International Week comes to RC
- International Education Week – November 15 – 19"Building Global Communities"Monday, November 15: Noon – 1 pm, Bldg. 3, Rm 102 […] Posted November 9, 2004
Federal grant boosts Head Start teachers
- PORTLAND, Ore. - The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has awarded Portland Community College a five-year, $748,973 grant, the colleges Grants Office announced. Posted November 9, 2004
Walsh wins award for work at Cascade Campus
- PORTLAND, Ore. - Walsh Construction Co., nominated by Portland Community College, won the Minority Business Opportunity award at the Minority Enterprise Development Week event in early October. Posted November 3, 2004
Muslim academic highlights international week
- ROCK CREEK CAMPUS - Portland Community College's International Education Week will go global with a Muslim keynote speaker from the West Bank. Posted November 1, 2004
A gem of a business
- Small business classes at Portland Community College have helped transform a company created in the wake of the plunge into a business dedicated to beauty and fashion. Posted October 27, 2004
Entry-level training available for microelectronics
- BEAVERTON, Ore. - The Portland Community College Microelectronics Technology department, is currently recruiting for an upcoming Microelectronics Employment Skills Training certificate program that begins Jan. 3, 2005. Posted October 27, 2004