Posted in April 2006
PCC wants to pamper you like a diva
- Portland Community College in partnership with the two year college honor society Phi Theta Kappa will host the Second Annual Spa Diva Day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, May 13 in the CC Building cafeteria at the Sylvania Campus, 12000 S.W. 49th Ave. Posted April 28, 2006
Campuses announce Staff Service Awards ceremonies
- Check to see when your campus will honor staff. Posted April 27, 2006
Cascade Campus staff wins OILD development opportunity
- Maria Wilson-Figueroa is going to the 2006 OILD Conference. Posted April 27, 2006
Water Bureau offers class on drinking water system
- Learn how Portland is keeping water clean. Posted April 27, 2006
Try your 'Luck' with this classic play at PCC
- PORTLAND, Ore. - In remembrance of Arthur Miller's passing, PCC is presenting Miller's first professionally produced play, "The Man Who Had All the Luck." Adapted from a novel by Miller of the same name, the 1944 play is now considered a long-forgotten classic. Posted April 27, 2006
Illumination Project sheds light on religious issues
- PORTLAND, Ore. - Portland Community College's Illumination Project plans to enlighten the community on issues surrounding religious oppression and religious pluralism this spring. Posted April 26, 2006
Rock Creek event to feature draft horse plowing
- PORTLAND, Ore. - The 40th Annual Draft Horse Plowing Exhibition, a festival of living history exhibitions and demonstrations, is set for Portland Community College's Rock Creek Campus, 17705 N.W. Springville Road. The event will be from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, May 20. Posted April 26, 2006
Hate Crimes Conference comes to PCC-Cascade
- PORTLAND, Ore. - When it comes to hate, many feel powerless to stop it. Now, there's a way for anybody to learn how to effectively combat hate crimes at work or in their community. Posted April 26, 2006
Gerontology program celebrates older students
- The Careers in Aging Week was capped by a graduation ceremony for 20 gerontology students, marking the importance of education for older adults. Posted April 25, 2006
Marilyn Ceaser’s career was just a bump away
- PCC student Marilyn Ceaser literally crashed into her new career. During last year’s Cascade Job Fair, she was able to […] Posted April 24, 2006