Posted in February 2009

STAFF NEWS: Institutional Effectiveness staff assume leadership roles
Ron Smith, research analyst with the Institutional Effectiveness department, was elected the Vice-President of the Pacific Northwest Association for Institutional […] Posted February 11, 2009
Another county heard from, regarding the Alternative Minimum Tax
A very good friend at PCC takes issue with my humble opinion that the Alternative Minimum Tax is important but […] Posted February 10, 2009
The PCC delegation gets ready to head to Capitol Hill
OK, today we hear from Arne Duncan, the U.S. Secretary of Education. That’s in about 30 minutes. I’m very excited […] Posted February 10, 2009
Celebrating the Year of the Ox
Seven years ago, a small group of community members gathered to celebrate the Asian New Year at PCC’s Southeast Center. […] Posted February 9, 2009
The PCC delegation has arrived in Washington
OK, the PCC delegation is here in Washington, D.C. With us is President Preston Pulliams; board members Denise Frisbee, Harold […] Posted February 9, 2009
'Heartbeat' fair at Sylvania Campus
Celebrate Valentine’s Day and “American Heart Month” in February with PCC’s “Heart Beat” on Thursday, Feb. 12, from 11 a.m. […] Posted February 7, 2009
Love Your Heart Health Fair led by PCC nursing students
Give yourself and those you love a special “valentine” by joining in the “Love Your Heart” health fair, a fun […] Posted February 7, 2009
The Vagina Monologues set
The ninth annual production of “The Vagina Monologues,” hosted by PCC Sylvania’s Women’s Resource Center, is set for Friday, Feb. […] Posted February 7, 2009
PCC delegation heading to D.C. to speak to Oregon's congressional delegation
This column is supposed to be about the Oregon Capitol but, if it’s OK with you, for the next few […] Posted February 6, 2009
Staff Development Opportunity – Training Developer / Intranet Specialist
Staff Development Opportunity – Technology Solutions Services We are offering a Staff Development Opportunity for one of the TrainingDeveloper / […] Posted February 6, 2009