Posted in 2009

Willamette Building construction making mark on downtown
Meet PCC’s first downtown presence since the Stadium Center closed decades ago – the Willamette Building. The college is investing […] Posted August 27, 2009
Professional Development Opportunity – Interim Division Dean at Rock Creek
Professional Development Opportunity – Interim Division Dean at Rock Creek We are offering a Professional Development Opportunity for Interim Division […] Posted August 27, 2009
Funds from state Legislature spur renovation at PCC
Renovation of Parking Lot 7 at the Sylvania Campus, thanks to funds from the Oregon Legislature for deferred maintenance. (Photo […] Posted August 24, 2009
Local welders on board with ship’s repair
The two former PCC welding students at the Swan Island Training Center are plying their skills down at Vigor Industrial’s ship repair yard. Posted August 24, 2009
PCC to go tobacco free on Sept. 9
Coming this fall, tobacco in any form will not be welcomed at Portland Community College. Starting Wednesday, Sept. 9, all […] Posted August 17, 2009
Aviation Science's enrollment takes off at PCC
Larry Altree, Portland Community College Aviation Science instructor and the program’s chairperson, is experiencing a take off of another kind […] Posted August 17, 2009
State labor commish visits PCC robotics camp
High school students from throughout the metro area came to the Sylvania Campus of Portland Community College in early August […] Posted August 17, 2009
Sen. Margaret leaves the Oregon Senate
(Margaret Carter pictured during the 2007 dedication of the Margaret Carter Skill Center with, from left, then-Sen. Gordon Smith, his […] Posted August 17, 2009
Middle College program is tops for many students
Salena Grayson was a high school student with a problem. A bright and capable young woman, the Southeast Portland resident […] Posted August 17, 2009
No Butts about 9/9/09 at 9 a.m. at Sylvania Campus
Let’s start the new academic year with a clean and smoke free campus. Join fellow students, faculty, staff and administration […] Posted August 13, 2009