Posted in June 2010

Feds award PCC $4.8 million to train health workers
The U.S. Department of Labor has announced Portland Community College will receive $4,841,299 in a Community‐Based Job Training Grant Award for the Healthcare Oregon Pathways to Employment Project (HOPE) Posted June 29, 2010
Neil Lee’s MWESB firm sees PCC walk the walk on bond
Neil Lee, principal architect of LEEKA Architecture and Planning, admits he was skeptical when he heard PCC “talk the talk” […] Posted June 24, 2010
New lab at Rock Creek eases pressure on programs, upgrades technology 1 comment for post 25446
The Building 5 computer lab is now online at the Rock Creek Campus thanks to the PCC Bond Program. During […] Posted June 24, 2010
PHOTOS: Retiree luncheon highlights bond project
Here are some pictures highlighting the great bond project luncheon: Posted June 24, 2010
Retiree luncheon shows off bond projects
Retirees were treated to presentation by all of the architects working on bond projects at the various campuses during the summer retiree luncheon hosted by the PCC Foundation Posted June 24, 2010
VIDEO: New Rock Creek lab provides space, latest technology for students
Thanks to the bond, the college purchased 31 Dell Optiplex 760 computers, one of the first official bond projects to be completed on campus Posted June 24, 2010
PCC walks the walk on bond
Neil Lee is just one of several small MWESB firms who has a contract with PCC to provide architectural or construction services for campus improvements Posted June 22, 2010
Pursuit of Employment a success
Pursuit of Employment is a series of events scheduled during the break at the end of each term designed to bring information to those in the job-seeking community Posted June 21, 2010
Sylvania rolls out red carpet for GED grads
The ceremony is one of the largest GED graduations in the Portland area and the largest of the PCC campuses Posted June 17, 2010
Students give to worthy causes as part of project
Students4Giving launched in 2008 thanks to a grant from Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund. Donations, extensive student fundraising and grant writing efforts have enabled it to thrive Posted June 16, 2010