Posted in 2010

Photo exhibit opens at Sylvania
Veteran Portland photographer Aaron Johanson will be exhibiting an extended portrait collection of this region’s art community at PCC Sylvania’s Northview Gallery, Nov. 18 through Dec. 17 Posted November 12, 2010
Thanksgiving basket drive deadline extended
Each year Cascade ASPCC and Phi Theta Kappa give Thanksgiving baskets to more than 50 student families Posted November 12, 2010
Job seekers 'pursue' support at Cascade
The new initiative through the PCC’s Workforce Development Program is different from job fairs in that it gives moral support and builds relationships Posted November 12, 2010
PCC officials move forward with Rock Creek development plans – 1 comment for post 25478
If the sparse audience at Monday night’s public input session was any indicator, stakeholders are ready to move forward with […] Posted November 10, 2010
PCC invites the Community to help shape the future of Cascade Campus 5 comments for post 25477
As the planning process for PCC's bond construction program moves forward, Cascade Campus is putting together a community Bond Advisory Committee (BAC) to help plan for the future of the Cascade Campus. Posted November 9, 2010
'Woyzeck' play starts this Friday
The cast and back stage crew are all PCC theatre arts students, who help design and build the sets as well as coordinate lighting and costume design Posted November 8, 2010
Enrollment slows, good stats rise
Total headcount grew by 2.1 percent while core credit students continued to enroll at the college – up by 5.1 percent Posted November 8, 2010
Sylvania Campus outlines upcoming improvements to neighbors and staff at community meeting
At 42 years old, PCC’s Sylvania Campus is embarking on a five to seven-year construction project that will result in a modernized, energy-efficient campus. Initial design plans and concepts were shared Oct. 27 at a community forum that was attended by immediate neighbors to the campus, representatives from nearby neighborhood associations and interested faculty and staff. “Sylvania is known for its vintage, concrete 1968 buildings that were constructed when energy prices were considerably lower,” said Linda Gerber, president of Sylvania Campus. “These are not energy efficient buildings, nor do they offer our students the best learning environment.” Posted November 5, 2010
Rocket makes news during October
The rocket composter was of particular interest to local media outlets during October Posted November 5, 2010
GIS info day at Sylvania Nov. 17
To promote this certificate, GIS professionals along with geography instructor Christina Friedle will staff an informational booth from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.,Wednesday, Nov. 17, in the Upper CC Mall Posted November 5, 2010