Posted in May 2011

Girls explore stitching pigs feet, nontraditional careers
The annual Young Women’s Career Conference gave almost 500 area schoolgirls a head start into nontraditional careers through workshops hosted by 30 female professionals Posted May 17, 2011
Election deadline hits
The deadline to vote in the May election is 8 p.m. today (Tuesday, May 17), which means it is not too late to cast that ballot. Posted May 17, 2011
Disasters highlight need for training
The sheer scale of the overlapping catastrophes in Japan – first earthquake, then tsunami, fire and nuclear meltdown – underscored the need for preparedness and close, organized collaboration between different emergency response agencies Posted May 16, 2011
Rock Creek honors vets
The Rock Creek Veteran’s Appreciation Week celebration is slated for Monday through Friday, May 23 to 27 at the campus, 17705 N.W. Springville Road. Posted May 16, 2011
Rock Creek job fair draws 500
An estimated 350 people attended the Oregon Job Fair at Portland Community College’s Rock Creek Campus this Saturday. Sen. Mark Hass of Beaverton hosted the event. Posted May 16, 2011
Eight PCC faculty selected for prestigious workshops
The honor puts PCC faculty alongside university professors through an agreement with the Community College Humanities Association and the National Endowment for the Humanities Posted May 16, 2011
Vet Tech students host doggie wash fund-raiser May 22
The May 22 event will not only help raise money for student learning, but gives Oregon’s only veterinary technology program valuable dog handling experience Posted May 16, 2011
Sylvania students win Russian language experience
Evan Schott, Darrian Bowen and Jason Junkkarinen are recipients of Critical Language Scholarships through the State Department, which will take them to Vladimir, Russia, this summer Posted May 15, 2011
PCC helps lure solar jobs
Today’s news that Portland will draw an estimated 480 new jobs from the high-tech sector came with an assist from Portland Community College. Posted May 13, 2011
RC student fired up about SkillsUSA
Last month Marcus Nikitins won the SkillsUSA Diesel Equipment Technology state championship hosted by the college Posted May 13, 2011