Posted in November 2011
Winter Fest is Dec. 14 at Sylvania
- With Halloween and Thanksgiving in the rearview mirror, Sylvania Campus is already planning its annual Winter Fest celebration, whose theme this year is "50 Festive Years of Winter Wonderland" Posted November 30, 2011
Last week to give to charities
- PCC has identified seven agencies that provide critical services in the college district so that staff and faculty can support those in need Posted November 29, 2011
Presidents join Turkey Trot
- More than 85 participants braved torrential rainstorms and wind to take part in the 41stannual Sylvania Campus “Turkey Trot” on […] Posted November 29, 2011
PCC Bond Team building homes with Habitat for Humanity 1 comment for post 25553
- In the spirit of PCC’s 50th anniversary service challenge to give back to the communities that have supported the college, […] Posted November 28, 2011
25 Dollar Show is a good deal
- This is your chance to buy work of local artists, both well-known and under-recognized. All proceeds benefit the Rock Creek Campus art programs. Everything is priced at $25. The catch is that nothing is signed, so you won't know what you've acquired until you take it off the wall! Posted November 28, 2011
Linda Gerber hosts Fireside Chat
- Mark the calendar for Monday, Dec. 5, from noon to 1 p.m., to catch the next Fireside Chat at Sylvania Campus Posted November 28, 2011
HT Building tests start Dec. 2
- The tests – to help identify sewer and drain leaks – will begin at 10 a.m. and are anticipated to run throughout the day Posted November 28, 2011
Welding scholarships get money
- The Working Waterfront Coalition presented a $12,500 check to PCC District President Preston Pulliams of behalf of the PCC Foundation at PCC’s Swan Island Training Center on Nov. 16 Posted November 23, 2011
Harper wins big trustee awards
- Jim Harper’s 40 years of being involved with PCC has netted him the national Trustee Leadership Award from the Association of Community College Trustees in Washington, D.C. Posted November 23, 2011
Cascade observes World AIDS Day
- On Dec. 1, Cascade Campus faculty, staff and students are teaming up with the Portland Area Global AIDS Commission (PAGAC) and local sponsors for a special observance of World AIDS Day Posted November 23, 2011