Posted in November 2012

Gov. John Kitzhaber (seated) is seen here with PCC President Preston Pulliams (right) signing several education bills at the Rock Creek Campus in 2011. PCC responds to state budget
The proposed $428 million funding level is better than the last biennium budget, but would still restrict student access and affect their success Posted November 30, 2012
November was a good month for the bond improvements at Rock Creek
November was a good month for the college bond improvements at Rock Creek.  After much heavy lifting by Barbara Linn, […] Posted November 29, 2012
Mudshark swims to charted waters 7 comments for post 15364
The ceramics production company uses PCC’s SBDC to gain skills to expand their business while dealing with orders for the Olympics and awards from Martha Stewart Posted November 29, 2012
Last year, the campaign collected 4,500 pairs of pairs of socks and this year’s goal is 5,000. Collect your socks for good cause 2 comments for post 15730
The students learn about homelessness and its causes, while collecting new socks to help local shelters Posted November 28, 2012
Linda Gerber to answer your questions
Linda Gerber, president of the Sylvania Campus, will host a final “Fireside Chat” for the fall term on Tuesday, Nov. 27 Posted November 26, 2012
Student concerts set for Dec. 3-4 3 comments for post 15719
The PCC Sylvania Music program presents its fall term music concerts at 6:30 p.m., Monday, Dec. 3 and Tuesday, Dec. 4 Posted November 26, 2012
NASA Academy application. Students needed for NASA Academy 2 comments for post 15715
Calling any students who see themselves as future leaders in the Aerospace Program – the NASA Academy, an intensive ten-week residential summer experience, is taking applications Posted November 26, 2012
Dignitaries breaking ground at Southeast include (left to right): Jim Harper (PCC Board); Alissa Keny-Guyer (state representative); Michael Dembrow (state representative); Diane Rosenbaum (state senator); Jeremy Selinger (student leader); Jeff merkley (U.S. Senator); Jessica Howard (Southeast president); and David Squire (PCC Board). Southeast Center starts expansion 1 comment for post 15606
Stars came out to celebrate the start of expansion at the center and its new leader - Jessica Howard Posted November 25, 2012
Construction at Cascade Campus to begin December 17
The first phase of construction at Cascade Campus  begins December 17 with the demolition of an existing surface parking lot […] Posted November 21, 2012
Laundry Basket effort underway 3 comments for post 15687
The Sylvania Women's Resource Center is hosting its annual Laundry Basket Project now through Friday, Dec. 7 Posted November 20, 2012