Posted in January 2013

The Cascade Festival of African Films opens with “Toussaint Louverture” at 6:30 p.m., Friday, Feb. 1, in the Hollywood Theatre. African film festival starts Feb. 1 9 comments for post 16116
This year’s festival features 22 films and is dedicated to the memory of PCC board member Harold Williams, Sr., who passed away last summer Posted January 22, 2013
'Food for Fines' program back
'Food for Fines' supports ASPCC canteens and food nooks during winter term Posted January 18, 2013
PCC partners with Car2go 2 comments for post 15810
There is a Car2go vehicle parked in a designated parking space on the SY, CA, and SE campuses to assist students, faculty and staff Posted January 16, 2013
Treasurer has student aid plan 2 comments for post 16154
Ted Wheeler’s Opportunity Initiative would bolster higher education access and affordability Posted January 15, 2013
Garrison passes away, service set
Garrison was a member of the PCC community for many years and will be missed Posted January 15, 2013
An instructor with buzz 10 comments for post 15743
English instructor Melissa Gregory Rue uses her film training to devise creative shorts that tap into social issues Posted January 15, 2013
Study Abroad deadlines for summer
Deadlines for study abroad opportunities in the summer coming up this February Posted January 14, 2013
Panthers take split at Mt. Hood 2 comments for post 16108
The PCC basketball teams split their Wednesday night contests with Mt. Hood Community College Posted January 11, 2013
Treasurer unveiling aid proposal
The initiative is a proposal could provide thousands of additional students with Oregon Opportunity Grants in an effort to create a stable way to make higher education more accessible and affordable Posted January 10, 2013
Rock Creek hosts activities to honor MLK 1 comment for post 16054
The Rock Creek Multicultural Center has planned multiple events to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday with activities from Monday-Thursday, Jan. 21-24 Posted January 9, 2013