Posted in 2016

2016 graduates in cap and gowns Photo Finish for 2016 Graduates 12
Take a look at images of the celebratory scene at this year's PCC graduation ceremony Posted June 20, 2016
Students Celebrate Jobs Well Done
More than 60 students and guests celebrated the successes of the four Rock Creek Campus student resource centers, ASPCC and the Career Exploration Center on Saturday, June 4, at Hillsboro's NW Events & Environments venue Posted June 16, 2016
State Transportation Leaders at PCC
The Joint Committee on Transportation Preservation and Modernization is meeting around the state this summer to discuss needs and priorities for a transportation package in the 2017 legislative session Posted June 15, 2016
Commencement speaker Paula Heine Speaking of Graduation 9
Student speaker Paula Heine shares her inspiring story at PCC’s commencement Posted June 13, 2016
Southeast Hosts Legislators
From 5-7 p.m., Monday, June 13, the Southeast Campus will host the State of Oregon's Legislative Joint Committee on Transportation Preservation and Modernization Posted June 11, 2016
PCC Students Stood with FGHS
PCC students stand with Forest Grove high schoolers regarding 'Build a Wall' banner fall out Posted June 9, 2016
Cosmetology Grads Shine Bright 3
It’s “that time of year”: springtime and the season of graduation and academic completion ceremonies at Portland Community College Posted June 7, 2016
Diamond alum Janet Rash PCC's Diamond Alumni 2
The college is honoring five graduates who have made big impacts in their communities Posted June 6, 2016
Two Staff Win Rock Creek Awards 1
Administrative assistant Becky Hughes received the Bill Christopher Building Community Award, and business administration instructor Usha Ramanujam received the Gordon Galbraith Award for outstanding teaching Posted June 2, 2016
A Toast to Creative Writing
The spring term is coming to a close but not without an imaginative “pop” before finals, thanks to the creativity […] Posted May 26, 2016