James Hill

Contact info: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-hill-36981a101/ | jghill@pcc.edu

More about James Hill

James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic, Woodburn Independent, Clackamas Review, Oregon City News, The Dalles Daily Chronicle and the Associated Press. Born in Hillsboro, James is a native Oregonian through and through, having lived in Portland and Sunriver most of his life. Today, he manages the PCC website content, the college magazine "Communities" and public relations and crisis communications projects.

Articles (4783):

A Water Dragon, or known as a Philippine Sailfin Lizard, made an appearance at the announcement of the PCC and Oregon Zoo partnership. PCC partners with Oregon Zoo, primate center for new program
It’s the first of its kind in the Northwest and only the third west of the Mississippi River Posted December 16, 2011
PEAK Council wants your cost-saving ideas
The President’s Entrepreneurial Advisory Council wants to hear your ideas for innovations that will save PCC money or generate revenue Posted December 13, 2011
History Series Part 2: The Battle for the Rock Creek Campus 2
In 1969, the vision for what is now the Rock Creek Campus officially began. Posted December 12, 2011
PCC chosen to help small businesses in Portland
Thanks to a $450,000 PDC grant, the college’s CLIMB Center and its partners will help infuse resources into underserved Portland-area neighborhood business districts Posted December 9, 2011
Mayor Sam Adams stops by Cascade career guidance class
Portland Mayor Sam Adams imparted some of the secrets of his success to students during a visit to Portland Community College’s Cascade Campus on Dec. 5 Posted December 9, 2011
PCC staff display collected socks that will go to the homeless. PCC’s Sock Drive will help seniors in need and the homeless
Portland Community College and the inmates at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility are hosting their sixth annual sock drive to help seniors in need and homeless of all ages Posted December 6, 2011
The November 2011 website statistics. Public Affairs media and website report for November 2011
PCC's 50th anniversary and its Washington County partnerships were in the media spotlight for the month of November Posted December 6, 2011
Last week to pledge money for PCC’s Charitable Giving Campaign
PCC has identified seven agencies that provide critical services in the college district so that staff and faculty can support those in need Posted November 29, 2011
Mark your calendar for the fifth annual 25 Dollar Show
This is your chance to buy work of local artists, both well-known and under-recognized. All proceeds benefit the Rock Creek Campus art programs. Everything is priced at $25. The catch is that nothing is signed, so you won't know what you've acquired until you take it off the wall! Posted November 28, 2011
PCC Foundation gets $12,500 to fund welding scholarships
The Working Waterfront Coalition presented a $12,500 check to PCC District President Preston Pulliams of behalf of the PCC Foundation at PCC’s Swan Island Training Center on Nov. 16 Posted November 23, 2011