James Hill

Contact info: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-hill-36981a101/ | jghill@pcc.edu

More about James Hill

James Hill

James G. Hill, an award-winning journalist and public relations writer, is the Director of Public Relations at Portland Community College. A graduate of Portland State University, James has worked as a section editor for the Newberg Graphic, Woodburn Independent, Clackamas Review, Oregon City News, The Dalles Daily Chronicle and the Associated Press. Born in Hillsboro, James is a native Oregonian through and through, having lived in Portland and Sunriver most of his life. Today, he manages the PCC website content, the college magazine "Communities" and public relations and crisis communications projects.

Articles (4784):

PCC has new telephone numbers
If someone calls your old (503) number, the call is automatically forwarded to the new number Posted August 31, 2010
Times a change’n for PCC’s Hillsboro Center
The education center is moving to the new Hillsboro Intermodal Transit Facility at 775 Southeast Baseline St. in time for fall term classes Posted August 19, 2010
Rock Creek hosts Building 5 open house Sept. 14
The open house will highlight bond-funded repurposed classrooms and space that will contain the START Lab and Community Ed, and more Posted August 18, 2010
PCC Admissions – It’s so easy a Panther can do it
From testing to orientation to financial aid, the furry feline takes a journey through the college’s admissions process. Posted August 18, 2010
Seniors in action
A look at some senior students in action at PCC. Posted August 16, 2010
Cascade Women’s Resource Center seeking book donations
The Cascade Women's Resource Center is seeking book donations about women's issues for the campus library Posted August 11, 2010
PCC’s Entry Level High Tech Training: Iranian finds path to employment
Seifollah Mojab had been laid off from his first job in the U.S. when he spotted a flier advertising the Entry Level High Tech Skills Training Program, changing his life Posted August 9, 2010
PCC training programs are getting people to work
The PCC Washington County Workforce Development Center has been sponsoring Entry Level High Tech Skills Training classes for nine years and has employed 220 graduates Posted August 6, 2010
Public Affairs media and Web site report for July 2010
In July, PCC's student speaker at graduation enjoyed plenty of the limelight from local and national media outlets Posted August 5, 2010
Green Technology degree option available at PCC
Mechanical and Civil Engineering Technology students will explore green technology and sustainability methods that will prepare them to practice sustainable engineering Posted August 5, 2010