Katherine Miller

Contact info: katherine.miller3@pcc.edu [opens in new window]

Articles (105):

Student working on dental model Modernized facilities help Dental Laboratory Technology rise to life after uncertain past
Modernized facilities help Dental Laboratory Technology rise back to life Posted December 12, 2016
Sylvania community hosts visioning event to plan for growth, opportunities 1
Sylvania Campus recently held a two-day “visioning” event to explore the opportunities and challenges that are likely to impact the campus community over the next 25 years as the greater metropolitan area continues its dramatic growth Posted November 23, 2016
PCC Library writes a new chapter for its Southeast Campus location
The three-story, 40,000-square-foot facility opened in 2015 and was built as part of the extensive improvements funded by the 2008 voter-approved bond measure Posted November 1, 2016
Ben Le A courageous journey leads to asylum and a long career at Portland Community College 23
One PCC staffer's amazing story of survival during an exodus from Vietnam Posted October 10, 2016
Rock Creek completes Building 9 projects that improve student services
Rock Creek improvements nearing an end Posted October 5, 2016
Gregg Meyer named director for new training facility for advanced manufacturing
Portland Community College has announced it has named a temporary director for the new Oregon Manufacturing Innovation Center (OMIC) Posted September 14, 2016
Melissa Lamproe Talent and drive lead Southeast Campus student to new scholarship opportunity 9
Melissa Lamproe's road to academic success includes winning the Ryan Courtney State Farm Agency Scholarship Posted September 12, 2016
Cascade Campus reaps rewards of final bond projects with top green building honor
The major projects that have transformed Portland Community College’s Cascade Campus recently met two major milestones Posted September 7, 2016
Online monitor keeps great work of Rock Creek’s solar array on everyone’s minds 1
Solar panels are becoming more and more part of the landscape, but unlike wind turbines or dams, their work is invisible to the naked eye – that is unless you use a nifty online monitor that measures the panels’ energy generation and demand Posted August 15, 2016
A flock of glass swifts soar at the Southeast Campus PCC establishes own ‘One Percent for Art’ acquisitions program through bond efforts 5
PCC establishes program to build a vast artwork inventory Posted August 15, 2016