
New digs for Cascade Campus faculty and ROOTS Program
Thanks to the bond approved by voters in 2008, faculty at Cascade Campus have new office space on the third […] Posted January 27, 2011
Sylvania Campus upgrades boiler system to increase energy efficiency 1
“Small” is the new “big” in terms of heat plant energy efficiency at Portland Community College’s Sylvania Campus. Construction crews […] Posted January 27, 2011
January Board Report highlights project milestones for PCC Bond Program
This January, the PCC Board of Directors received the Bond Program’s January Board Report highlighting capital improvements, project milestones, planning […] Posted January 27, 2011
PCC Newberg near net-zero goal
No one will need to adjust the thermostat at Portland Community College’s Newberg Center on chilly days. The building itself […] Posted January 19, 2011
Economic Summit set at Willow Creek
Portland Community College’s Willow Creek Center will be the venue for the second annual Washington County Economic Forum, slated for […] Posted January 18, 2011
Construction on schedule for the Newberg facility
After a week of delay due to wet and cold winter weather, construction crews are ready to pour the building’s […] Posted January 18, 2011
Construction and design update for Sylvania Campus 7
The design team for Sylvania Campus has concluded its first round of meetings for the Social Science &Technology, Science & […] Posted January 18, 2011
Community members tour Cascade Campus and surrounding neighborhood
On an unusually beautiful Saturday afternoon on January 8, 22 community members enjoyed a two-hour tour of PCC’s Cascade Campus […] Posted January 15, 2011
Sylvania Campus upgrades boiler system to increase energy efficiency
“Small” is the new “big” in terms of heat plant energy efficiency at Portland Community College’s Sylvania Campus. Eight petite […] Posted January 15, 2011
Remodeling at Cascade Campus provides space for Health, Emergency and Legal Services instructors and ROOTS Program
After extensive remodeling last summer and fall on the third floor of the Student Services Building,  Cascade Campus instructors for […] Posted January 11, 2011