Homepage Feature

Woman wearing dentists' binoculars Looking at Collaborative Healthcare 3
If the bond passes, college would create simulation labs so 18 health programs and partners can train holistically Posted October 16, 2017
President Mitsui presenting Talking Bond
Mark Mitsui chats with college community about upcoming bond measure, equitable student success and more Posted October 9, 2017
Nursing student adjusting an IV Caring for HT 1
Sylvania's four-decade-old building, home to high-demand health programs, is in need of major upgrades Posted October 2, 2017
Abdul Majidi outside the PMWTC The Community’s Center 1
Portland Metro Workforce Training Center is a community gem, but buildings in need of polish Posted September 25, 2017
Sylvia Koch Childcare for All 4
Without access to daycare services at PCC, Sylvia Koch said she'd have a hard time going to college Posted September 18, 2017
Student using an iPad for studying Upgrading Student Support
Well-maintained facilities and upgraded technology can enhance PCC’s learning environment Posted September 11, 2017
Public Safety officer Public Safety First 2
Despite working out of the college's oldest public safety building, staff make service a priority Posted September 4, 2017
Building construction student working on a house Building PCC's Future 1
Oregon’s largest college is going out for a bond measure this November Posted August 28, 2017
Dockery An Equitable Recruiter
Diversity recruiter Gregory Dockery is making sure PCC has inclusiveness in its hiring Posted August 21, 2017
Tara Prevo Getting the Call 14
NASA was so impressed with Tara Prevo the first time, they’ve invited her back Posted August 14, 2017